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Thread: boy pricing

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Try to be generous when you are well served and gratious when you pick a loser.
    One gets to know the current acceptable rates for services provided from experience
    and talking to fellow farangs when in the various places.
    Hot, universally handsome boys are compensated differently than the over-the-hill boys
    or those who are desparate for any reason.

    If you like vanilla sex and are happy to do the minimal, or if you want mulitple poundings
    and hours of sex, you should tip differently.
    One friend had a bad experience the other nite and the boy didn't want to even remove his
    clothing in the farangs room. The boy wouldn't do anything and the farang showed him the
    door with minimal compensation.

    Some boys blow you away and are awesome. To tip a standard rate seems wrong to me as
    I tip more for good service and less for bad service.

    Try not to be cheap and to take advantadge of the boys when they say 'up to you'. You will
    get a bad rep and like karma, what comes around goes around.
    The generous will always be generous and the cheap will always look for a bargain and each
    of us has his own opinion about what amount is adequate.
    This topic probably has been the most common over the years and it is understandable
    for first timers but somehow we all figure it out thru trial and error.. :cat:

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran francois's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by catawampuscat
    Try to be generous when you are well served and gratious when you pick a loser.
    Shakespeare could not have phrased it better, well, other than Mol├мere.

  3. #3
    Boys are not a commodity, priced in the market by the kilo.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by gra45
    So so so funny can you tell me when to laugh :flower:
    I dont think it was meant to be a joke

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by dave_syd
    Quote Originally Posted by gra45
    So so so funny can you tell me when to laugh :flower:
    I dont think it was meant to be a joke
    Ok, here we go again........
    Dave, I could have made your response, but on the other hand: the boys we're talking about here are prostitutes/hookers and they do have their price. I know, it sounds harsh, but that's the way it is.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by gra45
    Quote Originally Posted by Chao Na
    Boys are not a commodity, priced in the market by the kilo.
    So so so funny can you tell me when to laugh :flower:
    It's probably the kindest and wisest thing he's ever posted here, so don't knock it.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by 555
    Quote Originally Posted by gra45
    Quote Originally Posted by Chao Na
    Boys are not a commodity, priced in the market by the kilo.

    Dam I thought I was going to get a bargain coz prefer slim boys :bounce:


  8. #8
    luckily they dont charge by the weight of the customer!

    Yes, they are in business to provide a service. So is your doctor. Would you think of him as a commodity to be bought by weight?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by dave_syd
    luckily they dont charge by the weight of the customer!

    Yes, they are in business to provide a service. So is your doctor. Would you think of him as a commodity to be bought by weight?
    No, I would pay (if I had the choice) by the quality of the service and according to the usual rates, as I do for any other service. Generosity or miserliness would not enter into it.

  10. #10
    i assume you are joking!!!!!!! in that case get a good dvd and pleasure yourself and let them starve

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