Here's a PM I received from him this morning when I logged on. My guess is that he's either applying for the Work Permit or out practising that fabled sense of humor (that the following PM exemplifies)
Quote Originally Posted by George
Just what the fuck is your problem where I am concerned? What a no good low life piece of shit you must really be, that out of a whole thread of which 99 per cent was about a very sick Thai boy, you ask about fucking work permits, where when I do perform, I am raising money for charity.

As far as your pm to me about your intention of attending the meet and greet, do you honestly think that I believed for one second that a gutless louse such as you, would have had the balls to actually turn up?

You said in that pm that you had met me a couple of times, I must have done or said something really really bad. You are nothing but a cowardly cunt that hides behind the anonymity of a board name to make your attacks. When you have the balls to come out from behind it, let me know. I wont hold my breath waiting.