One of my favorites topics Rainwalker.

The fleeced are usually embarrassed by their foolish trusting of the conman and prefer often to forget about
it and move on. The conman counts on this reaction and also that the foreigner will not go to the police or
the con-man's embassy to report the crime..

It is a painful memory and one that the fleeced push out of their minds if possible. I am doing a bit of assuming
and guessing here but I think it is probably true for most of us..

I was once offered a chance to get into a start up Internet website and was given 24 hours to make up mind and have
the money ready for the farang. This was a couple of years ago and I wisely turned down the offer, as there was no
contract, no lawyers, no written agreements, no paperwork whatsoever and it would based be on a handshake and trust.
Well, I would have been out more than 20 grand US ($20,000.) and in bed with a backstabbing rat,
who turned on me after I declined his very generous offer to get in on the first floor of this money pit. Not getting in bed with him
was my wisest decision since living in Thailand..
Be very aware when your farang friend wants your money..very aware !! :cat: