Even though I think noone will know the answer, I post it here for that unlikely case.
Due to the current main staff at some newly opened BKK massageshops as m2m-mostly Laos guys, when conversation was possible with them I always asked them if they knew if there would be a same-styled shop in Laos.
The guys who came NOT from Vientiane, capital, just over the Mekong river via road+rail bridge from Nongh Khai=all said: yes, or probably-and in VTE. THat seems reasonable. The guys from VTE mostly said NO govmt does not allow. Also makes sense, knowing Laos politics as peoples republic. Laos has taken great efforts in trying to protect its ladies from the fate as they saw it happen in TH with all those lusty Isany girls angling for farang husbands.
The last guy I had seemed more informed and perhaps might even had a stint working there and told me, yes there was, but not as open as in TH and charging all in THB-but their money the kip is worthless anyway. Said it was 1000 THB-unclear if this was all-in or just the shops price. No further details.
Dr. google of course will reveal nothing. Is matty from CN already there for some on the ground research? What knowledge can he wrestle out of Kim?
It is probably so out of the way and tiny that Laos, even if it shares a very long and watery border with TH, does not feature here.