Jeans on...jeans off...oh, they're back on, they're guys nude. What's wrong with this picture???

Back about 5 or 6 years ago Beer and Mak changed the business model at Nice Boys and switched from using full-time gogo boys who were paid salaries (minimal as they were) - to a scheme where the boys could work for them "freelance" which gave the boys the freedom to work the apps at their discretion and simply show up at NB to work the stage when they wanted to.

No salaries are paid under the current scheme from what I understand with the exception of the waiters, and the boys have much more flexibility and control over their work schedules. The only down-side to this is that Beer and Mak seem to have lost a certain amount of control over the boys which is evident by the way the boys dress or don't dress when they're up on the stage - depending on which way the wind is blowing.

Back in the old days when Beer and Mak were managing the stage for Lulu at KAOS, the boys either dressed (or undressed) according to the bar rules or they were fired on-the-spot.

In any event, Kudo's to Beer and Mak just for remaining open.