You are right of course there and I certainly wasn't trying to make light of the continued devastation that an ongoing bar closure might make to many peoples lives there. Having been through exactly that here in the UK myself and seeing dates come and go and my trying to plan multitudes of planning for "ok if this happens we'll do this or if that happens then this" only to see almost ALL of those time consuming stressful (and costly) plans to go right out the window, over and OVER again as the months rolled on I do feel for the people there.

It does beg the question of course that is this perhaps a case of the various Thai departments simply just not speaking to each other to ensure that one cohesive message is being sent out to the world re their ACTUAL reopening plans. It does sound like madness for the to advertise to the worlds press a fairly definite re-open date and for them to keep reinforcing that PR message worldwide and THEN, after people have taken them at their word and perhaps booked to visit for them only THEN to announce they actually might effectively re-close the entire place for a few more weeks yet after everyone's arrival. It just doesn't make any sense.

It does make you wonder though what the Thai authorities know (or suspect) is the TRUE picture of what might happen if they fully open again and makes you concerned that what their modelling figures are saying that are fuelling their concerns as they must be painting quite a bleak picture still or surely you'd think that they'd just be cracking on now and at the very least just hoping for the best.

Maybe Songkran and their failure to lock down properly then when they SHOULD have has scared them so much that no one in authority is willing or preapred to put their neck on the line this time round by signing the "ok to open" order this time round perhaps !???