While Im guessing many faring may feel a bit devastated if bars dont open on time for Christmas, do perhaps remember that aside from it losing them income the average Thai person could care less about celebrating "Christmas" as it's a total non event to them anyway,

Also if we then were gutted about missing out on the actual twinkly lights of the festive season I guess we can also console ourselves in our knowing that there are still plenty of Thai bars dotted about that we can enter say in June or July and still see a Christmas tree up in the corner and Christmas music being played on the music system complete some cute guy shouting Merry Kissmasssss to us on arrival.

As to why it works and faring tend to give them money at the end of December they have NO idea of course but as they certainly connected that "Christmas cheer" means they may get some money out of us - , but they just KNOW it WORKS so it's worth a shot - so all is not lost after all it seems so Happy Christmas to one and all - in June to come !:-))