One of my favorite barboys messaged me on Facebook this afternoon and said he wanted to come
"saleep with you your loom." When the guys call me wanting to come over I always tell them, "Sorry
I don't have much money." To which he replied, "No ploblem, I just want saleep with you na." Turns
out he quit the bar and for some reason I don't quite understand he can't stay at his room for the next
3 days while he's waiting for his ride back to his town. So he asked if he could "live with me for 3 days."
He remembers me from last year when I lived in a really nice condo on Pratumnak hill with a separate
bedroom, now I'm staying in a studio room in a guesthouse. No fitness room, no pool, no ocean view.
Not sabai sabai. But the boy said mai phen rai. He just walked out of the shower wearing a towel
and a smile. I guess I'll have to keep you posted as to how the 3 day stay works out 555.