I am not sure if reposts from other forums are allowed here, but this is what I read at one:

"I've not been over to soi Twilight in a few weeks but I have it on good authority that the police accompanied by the military have told every bar owner that sex shows will not be allowed. No fucking shows and no big cock shows but boys in underwear and shirtless are OK.

During the last coup the military ignored soi Twilight. In fact the sex shows were suspended under Thaksin's second year term under the "Social Order Campaign" and resumed immediately after the 2006 coup.

How long this is in effect is anyone's guess. I don't know it the bars will comply and then ignore the order. I don't know if all the bars will comply. I was told Dream Boys and Boys Bangkok are complying. I don't know how the bars can survive without shows. I don't know what's going on with the lady bars but I suspect it's the same.

The military are not screwing with the gay saunas or the massage venues. I don't know about street trade."

Can anyone confirm this? Thanks