History – Rent Boys – UK 1885-1957 – Part 2

Link to Part 1 Problems and Possibilities Historians have long sensed that same-sex prostitution and queer identity were intertwined. In 1979, when the history of sexuality was still in its infancy, historian Jeffery Weeks wrote a short article that tentatively explored the relationship between “male prostitution” and the emergence of a homosexual identity in modern Britain.8 Admittedly, it is a work without many answers. He ruminates on how historians could theorize male prostitution and homosexuality. He hypothesizes on what specific social circumstances brought about the two. He questions if “homosexuals” and “male prostitutes” ever identified themselves by their sexuality

You can read full article here: https://gay-guide-asia-and-cambodia.com/2016/09/18/history-rent-boys-uk-1885-1957-part-2/

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