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Thread: Fashion show this Sunday 17th at THE VENUE

  1. #1
    Senior member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Nongprue, Thailand

    Fashion show this Sunday 17th at THE VENUE

    Here is something a little different entertainment this coming Sunday night - and the owner tells me that there are ten models coming down from Bangkok, so hopefully something to drool over![attachment=0:3alvg0ke]venue_fashion_evening.jpg[/attachment:3alvg0ke]

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    There are only 10 types of people in this world, those that understand binary and those that don't.

  2. #2

    Re: Fashion show this Sunday 17th at THE VENUE

    If they put on a show of the latest socks-and-sandals fashion, I'm sure they'd have a packed house.

    And "young models"? Um...have you ever seen an old model on a catwalk? Or is this code for something?

    Anyway, I do hope they are younger than Lukas Ridgeston.

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran
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    Feb 2006

    Re: Fashion show this Sunday 17th at THE VENUE

    Yes, hope the models from BKK are more than the "wanna be's" that are as skinny as a 12 year old but look like young men, not girlies.

  4. #4

    Re: Fashion show this Sunday 17th at THE VENUE

    Quote Originally Posted by thrillbill
    Yes, hope the models from BKK are more than the "wanna be's" that are as skinny as a 12 year old but look like young men, not girlies.
    Maybe I have misunderstood things - I thought that you (and any others attending) would have wanted "young men, not girlies" ??

  5. #5

    Re: Fashion show this Sunday 17th at THE VENUE

    What's so special about 10 Boys from Bangkok walking around in underwear/swimwear, happens every night in every a go-go bar, only difference is that the models are probably not wear a badge?

  6. #6

    Re: Fashion show this Sunday 17th at THE VENUE

    So has Kotter now officially taken over from LMTU as The Venue's chief fluffer?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Gulfport, Mississippi

    Re: Fashion show this Sunday 17th at THE VENUE

    Quote Originally Posted by Beach Bunny
    If they put on a show of the latest socks-and-sandals fashion, I'm sure they'd have a packed house.

    And "young models"? Um...have you ever seen an old model on a catwalk? .
    Yes there are old models.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Fashion show this Sunday 17th at THE VENUE

    When my friend and I arrived, the place was packed an we had to stand at the back, but not for long because after 2 rounds (out of 4) of the show, people were leaving!

    The audience was made made up of fashionistas from all over the world: tank tops, sandals, baggy shorts, smelly shirts - the lot and of course our own Ms Karen in her frock - she was the best dressed person there. I don't know how she did it but managed to grab the microphone twice to blurt out something - she either has an Aussie bush accent or was completely pissed as I don't think anyone understood, but I will give her the benefit of the doubt.

    I had not realized before but there were 2 lots of shows, first from Vinegar swimwear - 2 of 4 the models were very nice but only young and slim Thais would have been able to wear these swimsuits. The owner of the Venue grabbed each model as if this was a swimwear contest and asked him them their names, etc - I am pretty sure he has never seen a fashion show in his life, it was as if they were pieces of meat. No sight of owners or any information about their swimwear - and if you go to their shop, the largest size equals a 30-32 waist.
    promotion score NIL.

    The second lot were from Popeople who I am reliably told are funded by a french queen. Some of the clothes were ok, but very young and trendy and appealing not even to Thais, never mind fat farangs. Nice to see khun Toy form Cafe Royale as one of the models. I can't imagine anyone wearing these clothes in Pattaya, maybe in Bangkok.
    At least the Venue owner stayed out the way this time, and all the models rode out to some modern music in a very professional way. There were some cards from Popeople on the table with numbers. The shop is in Day Night 2.
    promotion score 1 out of 5

    The Venue - no shows in between the parades, probably unecessary. They were the winner on the night filling up the place and making a killing on the well priced drinks. Not enough waiters, not sure whether that contributed to people walking out in the middle of he show. I think there was overall some misconceptions about the evening - the fashion people thought they were appealing to a young, slim and trendy audience, and the guests and Venue owner thought it was going to be handsome boy contest. Sad!

    Anyway it was generally a disappointment for me (and other fashionistas who left early).

  9. #9
    Forum's veteran
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    Feb 2006

    Re: Fashion show this Sunday 17th at THE VENUE

    Fashion shows usually display clothes for the younger generation...and clothes that may be so out of the ordinary that one will only see it on the catwalk. It would be boring if any fashion show had big-ass guys strutting around in "normal" clothes from the night market or the Export Shop.

    As for the audience, surely the owners of the Venue knew what kind of cliental Pattaya draws in compared to other gay sections of big cities before they bought the place.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Fashion show this Sunday 17th at THE VENUE

    Kotter - you are obviously connected to the owners.

    I am so sorry if I mispelt the name of Poppeople2.
    For guests leaving - I take you point of people not wanting to watch a full show, but I am not inaccurate in saying that half the tables inside had been emptied by 11:15.
    For the tank tops & baggy pants brigade, it is Pattaya that attracts them - to think that tank tops, baggy pants and sandals might be fashion items shows how old you must be!

    You are right in saying that I will not be attending another fashion show in Pattaya. I would like to, but organised for a brigade of tank tops & baggy pants brigade - no thanks!

    Even if you want to replace my seat on the terrace at The Venue, you won't because I like the place and the owners seem down to earth kinda people, the show is good and the drinks are well priced compared to Boyztown. My thoughts on the fashion show are my own observations and sentiments - I do not expect to be either an authority on The Venue or any other place, or on the way a business is run, a show put together and so on ... If any of it is useful to the owners, fashion people, good. If it isn't, then I really don't care. I am not out to create mischief like so many on this board, but only to share my thoughts which some hopefully find useful.

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