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Thread: Memories Music Bar and false and malicous accusations

  1. #1

    Memories Music Bar and false and malicous accusations

    Being the first real opportunity I have had to do so, I would like to reply to the accusations made against me by the gutless cowardly low life, posting on this forum under the name of pattayaboi. I have never in my 14 years as both a member of the Sunee Plaza community or as a bar owner, failed to honour any debt, bill, or check bin in any bar that I have drunk in. Should anyone have any evidence contrary to this, could they please provide evidence of it.

    Contrary to the accusations made about my not paying the bill for last months Meet and Greet, I can inform all of those that are interested, that the bill for this function was settled by me the very next day after the function. In fact, when I asked Leigh, one of the partners of Memories for my bill, he informed me that because of the help I had given both him and his partner Ian, since they took over the bar and where I also gave a few musical performances at arranged parties, they wanted to split the cost of the Meet and Greet with me. After initially arguing with Lee over this for a while, I finally agreed to accept both his and Ian's kind offer.

    If the human piece of excrement responsible for casting aspersions on my character, as well as my honesty and integrity, or anyone else for that matter, has any doubts as to what I have stated above being anything other than the truth, than I suggest that they go into Memories and speak to either Leigh or Ian, whom I know will confirm all of what I have said above to be true.

    I will be making no further responses to any accusations or comments made by either pattayaboi, or downright fucking weird, otherwise known as Curious, that is unless of course, either of them would like to make them to me personally.

    For those of you that attended the the Meet and Greet, may I respectfully request of you, that the next time you are in Sunee Plaza, you drop by Memories and thank Ian and Lee for their kindness and financial contribution toward making, what I believe was a great day enjoyed by all that attended.

    Many Thanks,


  2. #2

    Re: Memories Music Bar and false and malicous accusations

    It's so good to see the sense of humor is alive and kicking.

  3. #3

    Re: Memories Music Bar and false and malicous accusations

    what is your problem curious? dont you have anything better to do then sit around a make up stories about people? you keep talking about georges sense of humor and i think it is clear from this post that he has no humor to you. give it a rest and go get a hobby or something. i dont mind it so much when the brainless here attack the brainless but when they start aiming there insults at the people who actually contribute to this board in a positive way it makes me mad.

  4. #4

    Re: Memories Music Bar and false and malicous accusations

    Quote Originally Posted by Alf
    ...it makes me mad.
    Any chance of a coronary?

  5. #5

    Re: Memories Music Bar and false and malicous accusations

    Quote Originally Posted by pattayaboi
    Fact Georgie I didnt make the accusation I only asked if the bill had been paid
    Never let a fact get in the way of a good story. Look at Aunty's post about me being thonglor55 with absolutely no evidence whatsoever. These people take themselves so seriously and are clearly concerned about their honor, as if the rest of us care. I guess all the Pattaya Pensioners know each other and it matters to them but those of us in the real world have other interests. :cyclopsani:

  6. #6
    Senior member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Nongprue, Thailand

    Re: Memories Music Bar and false and malicous accusations

    Quote Originally Posted by Curious
    those of us in the real world have other interests.
    then PLEASE go away and indulge these other interests
    There are only 10 types of people in this world, those that understand binary and those that don't.

  7. #7

    Re: Memories Music Bar and false and malicous accusations

    Quote Originally Posted by Patexpat
    Quote Originally Posted by Curious
    those of us in the real world have other interests.
    then PLEASE go away and indulge these other interests
    And miss out on annoying the Pattaya Pensioners? Everyone has to have a hobby.

  8. #8

    Re: Memories Music Bar and false and malicous accusations

    this is just another example of why i dont post regularlly on this board. i have to wonder why some people enjoy attacking others like this on this board? it doesnt happen on gaythailand or pattaya passion. what is it that attracts the insanely pathetic to this message baord?

  9. #9

    Re: Memories Music Bar and false and malicous accusations

    Quote Originally Posted by Alf
    this is just another example of why i dont post regularlly on this board. i have to wonder why some people enjoy attacking others like this on this board?
    What is your recommended attack mode if "like this" is not it?

  10. #10

    Re: Memories Music Bar and false and malicous accusations

    Quote Originally Posted by pattayaboi
    Fact Georgie I didnt make the accusation I only asked if the bill had been paid........ :salute: :salute: :salute:
    Although I can see no reason whatsoever why there was any need for that question to be asked or what business it was of yours, the following link will provide the answer to your question.

    http://www.gaytingtong.com/viewtopic.ph ... 483#p24483

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