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Thread: False accusation, Nip it in the Bud Please

  1. #1

    False accusation, Nip it in the Bud Please

    A character named Gene on baht bus board has charged that I am posting here as a poster named Ikarus. Whoever Ikarus is, he is not me. Please do not associate him with me. This is simply false. I resigned voluntarily from baht bus (not banned) and I really won't be back there as a poster under any handle. Thank you very much. Apologies for bringing this stuff over here, but this Gene character needs to find other things to do than make up fantasies. Please don't respond here about any business about JingthingX on Baht bus (if you want to discuss that, do so on that other board), the only reason I am posting this here is that this poster Ikarus is here at SGT and this Gene character says he is me.

  2. #2
    And none of us here would have even known about the rumor if you hadn't brought it to our attention. Good going!

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Good points. However, many people look at multiple gay Thailand boards. That is all.

  5. #5
    No, no racism from me. I shag all races, creeds, religions, even cock sizes, but I draw the line at women, ladyboys, and non-humans.

    I have heard about the NZ sheep shagging though.

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