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Thread: Why the 30% drop in Tourism

  1. #1

    Why the 30% drop in Tourism

    As a frequent visitor to Thailand, though I have noticed a drop in tourist, but surprised to note over the last year it has dropped by 30%. What do you think have caused this drop and the impact it has on the tourist industry. Will the trend continue or will there be an improvement. I am sure, atleast 25% of the indistry is either directly or indirectly controlled by the farangs. What does the farang community intend doing better to improve the situation or are you all packing up your bags to Laos or Vietnam

    Let us have some constructive discussion on this topic

  2. #2
    Senior member
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    Dec 2005
    Arlington, VA
    I would imagine tourism is down all over the world. The deepening financial crises in the West mean less money for people to travel. And at the same time airfares are going way up due to the higher fuel costs.

    I doubt it is any single factor but rather a collection of several all occurring at once.

    The political instability isn't helpful, but frankly I am not sure many casual tourists pay any attention to that sort of thing until they are on the ground.

  3. #3
    I believe you are talking specifically of Pattaya's tourist trade being off 30%. Correct? If so, the answer should be obvious: people don't like to spend their holidays cheek-to-jowl with Russian mobsters, neo-Nazi skinheads, football hooligans, creepy "boy lovers", and Chinese farmers, in a tawdry beach resort where the beach is too filthy to use.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Chao Na
    I believe you are talking specifically of Pattaya's tourist trade being off 30%. Correct? If so, the answer should be obvious: people don't like to spend their holidays cheek-to-jowl with Russian mobsters, neo-Nazi skinheads, football hooligans, creepy "boy lovers", and Chinese farmers, in a tawdry beach resort where the beach is too filthy to use.
    bangkok has all of that minus the beach.

  5. #5
    Chao Na keep going .......

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Oogleman
    Quote Originally Posted by Chao Na
    I believe you are talking specifically of Pattaya's tourist trade being off 30%. Correct? If so, the answer should be obvious: people don't like to spend their holidays cheek-to-jowl with Russian mobsters, neo-Nazi skinheads, football hooligans, creepy "boy lovers", and Chinese farmers, in a tawdry beach resort where the beach is too filthy to use.
    bangkok has all of that minus the beach.
    In Bangkok, it is confined to very tiny chunks of the city that are easily avoided. In Pattaya, that is not a possibility.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Oogleman
    bangkok has all of that minus the beach.
    That's all that Pattaya has - Bangkok has 10 million people and is a real place

  8. #8
    Senior member bing's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    30% Decline

    I don't care what others do, I choose to spend my vacation time in LOS, and can not speak for the other 30 percent, but I do understand there are a multitude of reasons to go other places, and others have a right to choose where they spend their time.

  9. #9
    Forum's veteran
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    the moon
    haven't really experienced any deepening financial crisis in the "west" , even though I live there.

  10. #10
    Forum's veteran Smiles's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Hua Hin, Thailand
    Unfortunately I am able to read Chao Na's bad tempered contributions to this thread because someone decided to quote him.
    But in this case I kind of agree with him: Pattaya IS a bit of a cess pool and the dirty beaches, dirty streets, horrendous traffic, and whore house rep don't help. Not sure if the other, more family oriented, resort areas are down as well (probably a bit), but I know that in high season Hua Hin was very busy indeed and I don't doubt it will be the same this coming season.
    Add to that the general world wide financial hunkering down and I think tourism across the board is 'down' compared to the last 7 or 8 years.

    By the way Mr Kool, you continue to lecture the Board with these prissy little homilies regarding keeping the discussion 'intellectual' or 'constructive' ... therebye inviting the disfunctional denizens of this place to do exactly the opposite. If you want civility, head over to Gay Thailand or TingTong. I don't think the chaos of Sawatdee is really to your taste.

    Cheers ...
    Just another reason why I love living in Thailand

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