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Thread: Breif reviews on some pattaya bars.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Breif reviews on some pattaya bars.

    I didn't visit many bars and Gogos for the purpose of offing boys on my recent visit late June/July as i have many boys i already know and am already happy with in pattaya. Some bars/agogos i visited just to say hello to friends working there or just to see if there were any changes for the better in places i had not visited for a long time.

    FUNNY BOYS: Is still a favourite bar of mine....with friendly waiters..attentive boys and mamasan.. and some very cute boys here.. and of course very comfortable to sit. I went there a couple of times and on both occasions it had the most customers compared to the other bars i visited on the same night. If i decide to bar hop i do tend to visit a few places on one night. Definitely recommended.

    SAWATDEE BOYS: first time i had been for a year or so and not many customers compared to a year ago.. but the boys were smiley and jokey and the mamasan was pleasant. I dont think i will be back for a while..there was nothing special compared to other bars.

    STAR BOYS BOYS: Again first time for me since they moved to PL soi 1. It was always a favourite place of mine over the years because no matter how many boys they had at a time.. there was always a couple of gems there and not so many farangs.. so i always enjoyed it.. and i had the same feeling on this visit.. a few customers and four very cute boys of which two were quite stunning..and although i didn't take off anyone because i had already planned my later evening.. if i had not already done so i would have definitely taken a boy from here. Another i would recommend.

    TOY BOYS: One of my regular haunts a few years ago..and still a nice bar with some nice boys..but very few customers.. which was disappointing to see.. but the boys were very keen to try and impress and the waiters polite and unobtrusive.. but helpful if requested for information.

    DYNAMITE BOYS: A very good selection of boys from manly to gay bottom types.. and great mamasan.. but there is virtually no movement on stage... the boys just standing in their bow-ties along the edge of the stage and moving along very slowly after about 3-4 songs. But the less manly types were trying hard to make eye contact and smile.

    KAWAII BOYS: Probably the cutest, slim-est and youngest looking boys in the PL area. Very few manly types here.. but all dancing and making a good effort to entertain.. i was only visiting to pay the off fee to the bar for a friend i was meeting later at Dudes so i didn't take any of the boys available but there were 3 or 4 boys i would have been more than happy to have had for company.

    OFFICE BOYS: Excellent place just to stop for leisurely drink.. all the waiters and the manager/owner were very attentive and because it was not far from Mosaik where i was staying... i sat here a few times.. and most nights they had a good few customers which was encouraging for low season.. i did take a very nice boy from here..he was very polite and enthusiastic and a lovely personality.. as were the other hosts here. Highly recommended. Maybe they were busy because any customers of the.............

    BIRDCAGE: .....would have been only too pleased to get out and find somewhere close where the staff were actually interested.. there was only one other customer here when i visited and everybody looked completely bored.. it was very disappointing.

    CORNER BAR SUNEE: Probably the best host-type bar i visited.. the waiters are very friendly and there are plenty of other bars in view to watch the comings and goings around. The bar is well lit and it looks good. Easy and laid back with no pressure.

    SUNDANCE AGOGO: I only had one drink here ..i found the boys on the younger side.. and i didn't enjoy the obvious [to me] discomfort of the boys when some farangs clumsily tried to play with them in front of all.... not even trying to be discrete. However i did take off a waiter from here when i was actually sitting at the Corner Bar. It was later at night and i was just chilling out..after having had a few late nights at the discos on the previous nights and wasn't really looking for a companion for the night.. but he was very sweet and good fun so i gave him the off fee to pay the bar and met him at closing time.

    LEGUN II? : I think is the name of the old jungle boys..this was my first visit to this bar under any of its previous names. I'm afraid i just dont get the concept. Fine if you see a boy you like and quickly have him sit beside you.. but there is nothing worse than sitting alone with a mob of very unattractive boys literally staring you out with nowhere else to avert your gaze. Fortunately i knew one boy who works at Blue House massage across from Mosaik and who i knew to speak to on a daily basis.. so when he came to greet me the rest disappeared......to my relief. This is one place i wont be back to.

    JIM JIMMY JAMES: this is a bar which is very nicely laid out... but i'm afraid the boys were just too young-looking for me to feel comfortable and relaxed. there were a couple of nice 18-20 year old looking boys.. but there were many very very cute boys who just looked too young.

    TOPMAN: more customers here than on my last visit about a year ago and previous to that 2 years ago when i did off a very nice long haired young boy/man.. good enough selection of boys and i made sure there was no show on when i stepped inside.. and the waiter who has been there for at least two years..showed an amazing recall of memory by telling me the boy who i had offed 2 years before had now moved to bangkok so i wouldn't be able to see him! and did i still like going to Cumpun because he remembered that is where i went with the boy.. which was spot on.

    Wow......i didn't realise i had visited so many bars until i recalled them for this post. This was over two nights bar hopping.

    I realise there wasn't much new to tell in these bar reviews , but i thought i would just update anyway because i enjoy reading when others review or give bar updates.

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran Wesley's Avatar
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    USA, Kyrgyzstan , Philippines
    Excellent and informative and very positive post, I shall make sure I keep this in my site when I go. It may save Me a lot of walking, not that I could not stand a Little more than I get now days. Walking that is, well lets say both.

    All the Best!


  3. #3
    Forum's veteran
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    As the bars change with the tide, one might want to note that Top Man in Sunee Plaza has changed to a non-go go boy bar but
    rather an twice a nite show bar.. Lots of chairs and tables outside and I imagine it will serve more like a beer bar with hosts now
    and have the shows instead where it is a/c..
    The Top Man go go boys have moved over to the newly reopened Villa Rouge/Kaos..

    Just across the narrow soi from Top Man, is Forest Boy Beer Bar which is closed for the month of August for issues relating to
    a recent raid..


  4. #4
    Forum's veteran Wesley's Avatar
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    USA, Kyrgyzstan , Philippines
    Well it is so rare when you see a positive post, about most of the bars its hard to believe the trolls have not dropped in to contribute the usual diatribe and vitriol. It seems that no matter what was wrong with some bars he went in he also tried to find something good to say as well, could not we all learn a bit from This type of posting. even the new Introduction to the forum today.

    All the Best!


  5. #5
    Forum's veteran
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    new update...

    Just to keep current, tonite Ozone Boy Bar reopened. It is above the now closed Forest Boy Beer Bar.
    It was called Wunderland (I think it was spelled this way) and then that go go bar closed and was for sale.
    Now Ozone which was name before Wunderland Boys has opened with lots of chairs and tables
    outside in front of the currently closed Forest Boy Beer Bar..

    I know it is confusing but since it is steps away from Top Man, which just changed its format, an update
    seemed appropriate.
    No idea what is going on at Ozone Boy Bar (upstairs) but it is a way around the 30 day closing on Forest Bar.

    Perhaps someone will stop by and update further and advise if a visit is warranted. I'm still dizzy from all the changing names.. :cat:

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran joe552's Avatar
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    Thanks Alaan for taking the time to write your review. I'll be there in September and will make a note of your findings!

    Just a question, though... Why do we complain if there are few farang customers in a bar? I do this myself, so it's not a criticism. But surely we only go for the boys? Fewer farangs means more choice for us, no? I know I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the attention if I'm one of only a few customers, but it only takes a half hour to see what's on offer and decide to off or not. So do we still feel that many customers provide 'atmosphere' or what?

    Interested in your thoughts.
    Hitchhiking's more of a challenge on the road less travelled.

  7. #7
    Thanks Alaan for writing an excellent review.

    Quote Originally Posted by joe552

    Just a question, though... Why do we complain if there are few farang customers in a bar? I do this myself, so it's not a criticism. But surely we only go for the boys? Fewer farangs means more choice for us, no? I know I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the attention if I'm one of only a few customers, but it only takes a half hour to see what's on offer and decide to off or not. So do we still feel that many customers provide 'atmosphere' or what?
    Interested in your thoughts.
    joe552, I completely agree. There are plenty of opportunities to socialise with Farang & I go into gogo bars for the Thais.
    As far as gogo bars are concerned, I prefer the Farang audience to be comfortably outnumbered by the cute guys on stage. That way there's no pressure to hurry my choice.

  8. #8
    Forum's veteran Brad the Impala's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    That was a busy two nights for Alaan. Thanks for rembering it and posting!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    In reply...

    ...To Joe552..
    In my review of Star Boys you will see that when they were in the soi across from Boystown i did enjoy going there because very few farangs bothered to go and it was one place i never felt uncomfortable in when being the only customer..BUT i did feel sorry for the boys and the bar for its lack of revenue..

    I wasn't so much complaining about the lack of farangs more just pointing it out....... But normally i must admit i do find being the only customer in a bar uncomfortable.. i do prefer when there are a few other customers... farang or asian..as you rightly suggest i think it helps the atmosphere ... and to be honest.. i only want to off ONE boy out of many...and i am not having a go at anyone here..... by saying that i simply dont get the argument about there being more for me to choose... how many boys does one person want/need to have on a night 5? 10? and it doesn't bother me being 'in competition' with other customers if i visit a bar.. if a boy i like is taken off before i have the chance.. there are other boys.. other bars.. and other nights to make up for it.. so other customers in the bar i'm visiting is a non-issue for me personally... i never feel pressured.

    But the MAIN reason i am disappointed if there are few customers.... farang or otherwise.... in the bars is recognising the bigger picture.. which to me is simply.. the more customers there are.... the more likely there will always be a good and varied selection of bars still operating and still open to visit to off a boy if i so wish... and more especially because i know many boys who make their living out of customer offs and tips..so in my opinion it would be self-centred and selfish of me to bemoan the fact there are too many 'rival farangs' in the same bar.. the boys NEED customers.. the bars NEED customers.

    ...to z909..
    i personally certainly don't go to bars to socialize with farangs either...[see my comments above of why i like to see other customers in the bars i visit].. in that respect i have to be honest and say that i actually try NOT to socialize or interact with farangs when in thailand in any situation.. i stay and work in the uk.. i often visit europe.. especially Holland and Spain a few times per year.. so i have my fill of interacting with farangs.. one of the main attractions about thailand for me was the fact that it was completely different from farangland..... being able to interact with another culture from that i was used to over a number of years in Europe is the great thing about Thailand for me.

    Over the last 9 years i have been coming to thailand [over 30 visits].. i could count the amount of westerners i have spent any time with on one hand.The manager of the Flamingo... Jaap..is one i do have time for ..because he is a great guy, a great source of information, we have a mutual love of some music forms and it would be rude to ignore him as i see him daily when staying at the Flamingo.

    I also interact with the German boyfriend of my regular thaiguys' best friend..because..in his village..... being the only two westerners there on the occasion we visit at the same time.. it is expected that we do interact.. and after our first meeting was happy to..because... he isn't boorish.. he doesn't ask invasive questions.. he doesn't drag my good feeling down by giving sob stories or stories of bad-luck..... ill health...financial difficulties.. etc.. and does not unburden his problems on me.. [which is the one to avoid at all costs] and he is polite and very fair with his thai boyfriend 40 years his junior and has a good attitude to Thais and Thailand in general. But if he had in any way been unlikeable..i would have had no problem in ignoring him completely for the sake of my own sanity.

    The last thing i want on a break/holiday to re-charge my batteries in thailand is having to endure boring conversations with westerners who have nothing better to do.. even in pattaya a bastion for westerners.... i only interact with thais.. if someone does speak ...i am polite and always return a greeting... but if it looks like it could be any kind of prolonged conversation... i'm off!.. hasty retreat!... run-a-mile! and anyway the thais i know and like to spend my time with interest me enough on a daily basis to fulfill my social interaction. I have NEVER felt the need for western companionship in thailand EVER!

    I seem to have banged on a bit on that last subject..and I say all the above as a visitor only.... i might have to reconsider my attitude if i retired here.

    ...To Catawampuscat.. thanks for the update on topman and other bars.. it just proves your point regarding the ever changing bar scene in pattaya.. as i only visited Topman some 3 weeks before...

    Sorry i used the word interact so often..but i couldn't be bothered to use synonyms.

  10. #10

    Re: In reply...

    Quote Originally Posted by Alaan
    I have NEVER felt the need for western companionship in thailand EVER!
    Obviously a Pattaya thing! Who can blame him

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