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Thread: A few "breif" Pattaya bar updates.

  1. #1
    Senior member
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    Feb 2013

    A few "breif" Pattaya bar updates.

    Bar reviews probably not much interest to most, but can be handy for anyone due to visit or planning a visit in the near future.

    Visited here a few times, often just short stays before heading elsewhere, mostly was in the beer/terrace bars. Panorama still remains the busiest, and was so every night, far fewer Russians here than previous visits. Some changes in waiting staff with 2-3 new guys and a couple of long-timers moving to the Ambiance Terrace which has nice new tables/chairs and as discussed before new pricing levels, I think Bt120 for a Heineken as opposed to BzBzBz terrace which was at Bt200 a beer.

    Oscars still had a few of the cute lads who moved there from Sunee and they are very welcoming and a good laugh. Serene next door was quietish and as it is Russian Central nowadays with fewer noticeable Russians around that would account for it being less busy than surrounding bars. Funny Boys usual busy bar with plenty of guys but I am noticing nowadays that the average age of guys there is steadily rising as many of them have been there a good few years, heading a bit towards the way BzBzBz started going after a few years, but they still had a few younger newer guys in the mix and well run.

    Toyboys opposite is still the leader in the agogo stakes in my opinion. Big selection of some very attractive and cute boys, again does have a few men there and was very busy. One night we were there at 12.30am, all the tables were taken. A large group of Chinese girls down one side and western/Asian gay customers down the other. The manly-men were obviously sitting with or interacting with the Asian females who were in a good fun mood, but most of the interest was still with the gay customers on the side we were on. Boys were being offed and there was a great vibe in the place.

    BzBzBz was very quiet outwith the show time, still hoping the new managers can get this place going again, maybe someone has more up to date info if the planned changes have taken place already or not. Popped into Castro next door to Panorama for the show, it was very busy but the show was 'standard fare' nothing to get excited about, but ok for one drink. On another night I visited Happy place, still fairly steady with customers and I actually like to show here ok, some good performers. Anyone into pain fetish would have enjoyed the hot wax/fire part where the guy was visibly in pain by the end as he dashed over for an iced glass of water! still worth a visit, just hope M can continue to keep the place interesting, his manager here is very efficient making sure customers are found the best places to see the show and drink orders sorted out very quickly. Also dropped in by Vasa, 5-6 younger eager lads here and the bar lay-out changed since my last visit, with the small podium (3/4 boys dacing at a time) centrally located in the bar now, boys mostly trying hard to get interaction with customers and giving a good account of their dancing skills, so a few tips earned here.

    Long time since we've been to Kawaii Boys even though a good friend of ours works here (he normally just joins us at the clubs later) but I used to enjoy a visit as while my bf and his pal chatted a got to view some very cute and attractive guys, but unfortunately the cute requirement here seems to have been disregarded now when recruiting, while the guys were good looking a couple were 'chunky', but again it depends who is working on the night you go. Not so much interaction and fun as before. Cupidol was ok, good selection but few customers and an almost desperate mamasan trying to get me fixed up despite my usual "no hurry just looking" followed by (jokingly) "how can I decide if you are distracting me!" line.

    Still my favourite place for a relaxing early evening drink. Love Ouds Caf├й bar now which I just recently discovered great coffee and he makes a great cocktail, waiters here are a great laugh and good fun, even when I only passed by heading elsewhere they always come out to say hello and no attitude just because I don't go inside every time. As I have noted before when the waiters are sitting outside it seems to attract many of the boys from surrounding bars who stop in by, so usually something going on all the time. Colonial still very steady with customers, again always try to stop by for a drink here, other customers very friendly without being imposing. I understand Forest House is undergoing a refurbishment, for it's excellent location it should probably be much busier. Gave Mic My a body swerve despite the claims of the manager things 'have changed' there. Nice Boys was quieter than usual and a much larger percentage of many tattood men compared to the gay lads, didn't linger long here.

    Busiest part of sunee as usual the stretch from AllOfMe along to the Double Shot corner. Double Shot very steady throughout the evenings, as was Come-In, Yaya was hot and cold, but great fun when all the staff were on duty, near the end of my trip it was closed for 3 nights as the up-and-over door got stuck, rumours that Come In may take it over...anyone with more updated info on that?

    Also Sky Bar rumoured to be expanding. It too is a lovely bar with a very nice host owner/manager the better quality red wine here Bt140 compared to Bt90 a very large glass with a decent measure was excellent. Gave Eros a try, have to say the customers and boys seem to have a great time here, quite a bit of touchy-feely and dropping of shorts going on, big fun element if you're in the mood, looked like some of the customers were dug in for the night!

    Cheapest drink?? At Pour House in Jomtien they were offering Draft Chang at Bt40 per glass, tried a glass as it tends to be less fizzy than normal beer though I tend to shy away from draft beer in any bar, the glass was ok. Again here a nice host looking after the place from USA, a Banjo player so we had plenty to chat about, and other customers here clearly regulars much like Colonial and very friendly, again without being imposing, enjoyed my visits here after a trip to the beach late afternoons. Stuck to bottled beer rest of the time and would take a large bottle where they were available. In general Jomtien quite quiet, only Bondi really being very busy from 5pm to 7pm the times I was there.

    As you can see little change from other recent reviews, but overall still some very nice guys in the Sunee bars and most nights was fairly busy at the times I was there, probably the driest Pattaya has ever been in one of my June/July trips as it's usually very rainy at least once a night. Umbrella hardly used!

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran Smiles's Avatar
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    Hua Hin, Thailand

    Re: A few "breif" Pattaya bar updates.

    Quote Originally Posted by newalaan2
    " ... Stuck to bottled beer rest of the time and would take a large bottle where they were available ... "
    I wish! I've never come across a bar which sells beer by the large bottle. Bar/Restaurants yes, but just-plain-bars never seem to offer the choice.
    Not a huge deal, but I'd prefer to sit in a bar and relax over the larger variety, pouring it (myself!) lazily into a chilled glass.
    Just another reason why I love living in Thailand

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: A few "breif" Pattaya bar updates.

    Likewise - although annoyingly I was in Nakhon Sawan yesterday and after my Thai friend explaining I'd like a big bottle they did bring me one, which I was delighted about and really looking forward to sitting sipping away at just as you describe Smiles - oy for the waitress to them being out two glasses filled with ice, pour next to no beer into each and then take the bottle away again ( to for some strange reason set it at the next table directly in the bloody sun) and return to top up our glasses whenever see seen fit as if it was fine wine ! - oh well, at least I got half way there :-(

  4. #4
    Senior member anonone's Avatar
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    Oct 2010

    Re: A few "breif" Pattaya bar updates.

    A good summary NewAlan. A couple of additional notes from my perspective:

    Pattaya Land:
    Vasa bar is always worth a stop. Early in week they have really inexpensive customer drinks...100 baht or so. I think maybe Mon, Tues, and Wed. Later in the week, maybe around 150 or 180...something like that. Friday nights are towel nights, which I find very appealing. Staff love to play around and flash.
    Staff are twink-type, not overly fem. Best part is they actually dance and play when on stage, not just loaf around. A lot of flirting and joking...a lot of fun.

    Copa still the same as always in every way. XBoys still the same in every way.

    Forest House was closed up on several days at the end of my visit. Perhaps they are remodeling, though I didn't see any sign of it. I agree it is a good location and has potential.

    Cocktail Boys - the Krazy Dragon replacement.
    This is the upstairs bar with the entrance right next to Forrest House. (Formerly Tom Yum Club). This has changed totally from the Tom Yum days and now features about 10 manly guys wearing the slit shorts. Easy access and not shy. Drinks were about 150 if I recall correctly. If you liked the old KD, this is a good place to visit.

    Crazy Pub
    Our favorite beer bar to hang out and just have fun with the staff. A bottle is definitely the way to go here. A core group of staff that has many friends dropping by on occasion.
    This is usually the group that ends up partying with us all night at the various clubs. The manager (BF of owner) has the best smile around....

    Happy Boys / Eros
    I know they no longer have the same owner, but I tend to view both of these bars the same. Fun staff that are available for some innocent groping and flirting while sharing a drink. Reasonable drink prices. You won't often find a "stunner" here, but you will have fun.

    City Boys
    This is like the Sunee version of Funny Boys in my mind. Well run, attractive staff, but a little too boring or mellow for my tastes. Low season happy hour from 8-10 PM, 100 baht customer drinks.


    GUY club
    We only made it here once, and it was a bit of a disappointment. in the past, there were some twink staff that could really dance up a storm...a lot of energy and friendly. This time around, only a couple of dancers and not really my type. Hopefully we just hit it at the wrong time....

    There is a place I have not really noticed before...U Turn club, opposite from Sky bar. Looks like a beer bar they were doing some remodeling and it appeared there was a shower now in the back of the place, in full view of the bar. Perhaps some show in the works here...? Honestly, I am not even sure it was open for business yet. Anyone have any info on this one?

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