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Thread: Anybody know this Gay Resort?

  1. #1

    Anybody know this Gay Resort?

    Does anybody of you know this Gay Resort in Pattaya?
    Found this website and never heard about that.
    Any experience?

    http://gdr.gaydreamresidence.com/index. ... e&id=12174

    Have German management

  2. #2
    No, but it sounds like an absolute blast:

    the luxurious holiday residence for homosexual elderly or disable men

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran
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    Jan 2004
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chao Na
    No, but it sounds like an absolute blast:

    the luxurious holiday residence for homosexual elderly or disable men
    You missed one word EXPENSIVE !

  4. #4
    Senior member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    We are all rich old farang!!
    What is money??

  5. #5

    nice Resort

    4 weeks ago I was on a gay birthday party there. Very nice resort at the Phoenix Golf Club. The two German guys who managing the resort created a big huge buffet and for some guest from Bangkok and else the host booked the 6 bungalows. Would be a good idea to arrange a pool party there again with some boys and a same good buffet.
    But no idea what going on there in moment.

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran Wesley's Avatar
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    USA, Kyrgyzstan , Philippines

    Re: Anybody know this Gay Resort?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thai-Magic
    Does anybody of you know this Gay Resort in Pattaya?
    Found this website and never heard about that.
    Any experience?

    http://gdr.gaydreamresidence.com/index. ... e&id=12174

    Have German management
    No but if you like animals and stuff it looks like fun. where are the boys. Is it for geriatrics or walking people.

    All the Best!


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by jinks
    You missed one word EXPENSIVE !
    Are you sure? I30 US a night including breakfast? I might be missing something here, but your average motel in America costs about 150$. As far as lux hotels in Thailand are concerned this is an absolute bargain surely?

    I think it looks charming, how sad its not in Bangkok and I'll have to wait forty years to fit in.

    One thing that got me a little worried is I didn't see any of the trappings you would expect for age concern, like wheel chair ramps and modified bathrooms with hand rails throughout and zimmer-frame rental (Im certainly not being facetious) or cot rental, the beds do look unsafe no railings or sidings or waterproof. Must say that pool looks treacherous for the elderly too and possibly even for the disabled, one false step and eeeeeeeeeeeek, I cant bear to think, cocktail and all.

    I wonder exactly how user friendly it is? I know all about this as my grandfather lost a leg in a riding accident, crushed beneath a falling horse. Never set him back or stopped him riding but now that he is old getting around is very difficult as his balance is not as good as it used to be. Things like zimmer-frames are very awkward to take on holiday. So he gets around like a giraffe on two long arm crutches when he travels.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Cedric
    I might be missing something here, but your average motel in America costs about 150$.
    I think you are missing something. An average motel room in the US is $150/night? Red Roof is perfectly acceptable and costs about $60 a night

  9. #9
    Cedric - exactly what I thought when I looked at the photos. The place looks classy but not particularly disabled or elderly-friendly.

    What it does seem to suggest as its special feature is the personal touch by the staff towards elderly or disabled guests - i.e. there'll be a lot of attempts to help. But unless someone is really trained to help the geriatric, this may turn out to be more hindrance than any worthwhile assistance.

    Having said that, the owners probably are on to something. Considering how many times we see even on this board criticism of hotels that do not have elevators, the geriatric market must be a lucrative and sizeable one.

    The owners may also be interested only in the German market. I clicked on their "exemplary menu" (it was supposed to mean an example of a menu) and it was all in German.

    Location-wise, it sounded very far away from anywhere. Where is this golf course where it's supposed to be at? To get out of the darn place must surely require the hotel ambulance every time and how does one get back?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by homintern
    Red Roof is perfectly acceptable and costs about $60 a night
    Purple Roofs you mean? http://www.purpleroofs.com/

    Its a nice menu I think Wazz, for the elderly, a choice of Thai and Eurocentric dishes to suit. Im sure there is a French translation if anyone gets into difficulty ordering.

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