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Thread: Sending money home to Mom

  1. #1
    Senior member bing's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Sending money home to Mom

    Dodger-- I hear what you say about many of the guys sending money home to Mom and Dad, who have trouble rubbing coins together. I like bar boys, no shame in making a good living, since they are working hard. I am not one for doing gold or phones. Yet last visit after a week or so of my usual passing on of baht to my favorite young man, I noticed he had a new phone which he proudly showed me one evening. Lots of lights, bells and whistles. While they send lots home, it is a status symbol to have the latest phone on the market. I think they gain much face with friends when they whip out the newest version and let others look on it with envy . Heck, I almost wanted one. He was so glad when we went to Cabbages and Condoms for a final semi-romantic dinner. He was able to call out favorite motorbike boy for our ride home. The boy on the bike was waiting for us as we exited the restaurant. In the talk of the credit card people, the moment was priceless. I am sort of glad to know he had enough to send home and to get his new toy. By the way, If you like the sound of the surf pounding on the shore as you partake of late evening dinning experience, I can whole heartedly recommend Cabbage and Condoms. The only admonition is that you don't take the table the waiter offers, it will be in the main dinning area. You want to go to the area by the surf outside. If you don't make this a memorable event which will warm your heart in the months that follow, you don't have a romantic scale higher than that of a piss ant. At least that is the way I remember the place. But then again, I really do like pounding surf. It could be the G&T or in this evenings version Gin and orange juice, but I really do enjoy keeping an eye on all your postings, well there are a few posting more fit for the pottie than the fine cultured folk of this forum.

  2. #2

    Re: Sending money home to Mom

    Quote Originally Posted by bing
    I like bar boys, no shame in making a good living, since they are working hard.
    Working hard? Surely you're joking? If bar boys work hard, what do you call their brothers and sisters doing twelve-hour shifts in sweat shops?

  3. #3
    The sweat shops that bar boys work in are the crotches, arm pits and asses of fat smelly old Farang. I think I would prefer 12 hours of manufacturing or construction labor to the hours of acting like I was having a great time in a bar fondling some drunken smelley old goat and telling him how handsome he was....and then having to get naked with the smelly old goat for an hour or two all the while pretending to be turned on. Bar boys work very hard indeed for their money.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Soi 10 Tom
    The sweat shops that bar boys work in are the crotches, arm pits and asses of fat smelly old Farang. I think I would prefer 12 hours of manufacturing or construction labor to the hours of acting like I was having a great time in a bar fondling some drunken smelley old goat and telling him how handsome he was....and then having to get naked with the smelly old goat for an hour or two all the while pretending to be turned on. Bar boys work very hard indeed for their money.
    The per hourly rate more than makes up for such unpleasantness for lots of people, so go cry a river for the poor suffering prostitutes somewhere else.
    What does that factory job pay? Even 20 baht an hour?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Soi 10 Tom
    The sweat shops that bar boys work in are the crotches, arm pits and asses of fat smelly old Farang. I think I would prefer 12 hours of manufacturing or construction labor to the hours of acting like I was having a great time in a bar fondling some drunken smelley old goat and telling him how handsome he was....and then having to get naked with the smelly old goat for an hour or two all the while pretending to be turned on. Bar boys work very hard indeed for their money.
    Dear Soi 10 Tom,

    I never fail to understand the people, not only on this forum but also those who you meet and greet in Pattaya and Bangkok who suddenly start taking a "holier than thou" attitude, when they descended on to these shores for exactly the same reasons as stated above.

    Furthermore, those casting these stones, are usually the ones who find fault with every Farang in Pattaya and Bangkok, with the exception of themselves, whom they have promoted to the "Champion of the down trodden prostitute"

    Prostitution, is to the Thais, the cheap get out and the lazy way, although the families have no problem at all "living off the proceeds"

    There are boys in this town where I am right now,who assisted Tam's brother, without being asked only yesterday, clearing the Land in preparation for a new building we are doing and there were approximately 8/9 boys with not a baht between them, who grafted all day.

    They were given, their food from the local restaurant, four bottles of white whisky and packets of cigarettes thrown in the middle of the area where they sat on the floor eating.

    The laughed and sang into the early hours and disappeared off home, having enjoyed their day with their pals.

    These are the boys who will not go work in the bars, some feel they are not good looking enough and some find the very thought of it disgusting.

    They feel they are richer living like they are without the necessity for super duper phones,pieces of gold.

    They are also not lying, cheating, stealing and murdering lonely old foreigners,in Bangkok or Pattaya who come to Thailand seeking what can be best described as the "very difficult" the love of a teenage boy, who is not particularly interested.

    Many of the bar boys just want to tell a sob story so they can get as much money as possible and be out with their mates with the new motorbike and phone pulling the birds and pretending he is wealthy to the local Thais earning a living emptying dustbins, tending the land or in supermarkets on minimum wages.


    That is why the Thai Karaokes and Disco's,catering for their own, are usually packed full.

    The go work in the bars, because, as far as they are concerned "it is fast easy money"

    They have options and they don't have to do it.

    When you were 17/18 years old and you wanted something, you saved up from your wages for it,it was slow, took time, but you appreciated and looked after it the day you went and purchased the item you desired!!

    You knew the quicker ways to get it, stealing, selling yourself, but most of us chose not to do it that way.

    I don't particularly fall for most of their stories any more.

    All the best,

  6. #6
    Agreed. Bar boys make up the least ambitious, least driven, least diligent, and least motivated segment of Thai male society. To think that they work hard to send money home to Mom is a real laugh. These boys would last about two seconds in a "real" job.

  7. #7
    When one grows up in poverty and suddenly sees a way to make a lot of money and have the things they never had sure they will do it for awhile. But the boys in bars only last a short time before going back home and starting familes and thus starting the whole cycle over again.

  8. #8
    Forum's veteran
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    an alternative reality


    they sound just like you and me ! ( except I used to get mum to send me momey)
    I'm only a light drinker. When it's daylight I drink.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Raksiam

    The per hourly rate more than makes up for such unpleasantness for lots of people, so go cry a river for the poor suffering prostitutes somewhere else.
    What does that factory job pay? Even 20 baht an hour?

    That's about the correct rate that they pay in the factory Raksiam!

    They can push it to even less if you are unfortunate enough to be Cambodian or Burmese working in Thailand.

  10. #10
    Forum's veteran francois's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    "They were given, their food from the local restaurant, four bottles of white whisky and packets of cigarettes thrown in the middle of the area where they sat on the floor eating." quote by kquill

    No doubt your intentions were honorable, kquill, but giving whisky and cigarettes to young men is questionable especially for one who is a cancer survivor. Did you not have your larynx removed due to cancer? Is that not caused by cigarettes?
    Alcohol and cigarettes are the leading cause of mouth cancer, throat cancer, lung cancer, etc.


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