Those already on the PSKSP's mailing list will have already received the mailing with a link to pics about one young lad who is the recipient of sponsorship (typically ┬г120 annually).
I have no idea who his sponsor is, but thought it might interest those members who have graciously donated to the Project and the Childrens' Party in the past, to post a link to the page that shows Purinut's delight in receiving a birthday present from his sponsor. Some forum members have themselves sponsored a child. It's a little money but it goes a very long way.
Purinut's Birthday

This August the first boy I sponsored through the Project attains the age of 18. So now he is a man! He still maintains occaisonal contact with the Mercy Team (or rather they do) and he is currently very happily working in a restaurant that provides accommodation, whilst continuing his studies in Sattahip. His parents are dead. There is him and his older sister, who works in retail in Pattaya. Without the support of the Pattaya Street Kids Support Project, and the support of The Mercy Project on the ground, it is dubious whether this lad would have 'made it'. And naturally, I have taken the delight of meeting up with him on various occasions when in Pattaya and doing the shopping thing. But his own delight was overwhelming.

If anyone can spare the equivalent of ┬г120 per year to sponsor a child, it is money well spent. You don't have to see or visit the child you sponsor, although it does make a difference to them. Those listed for sponsorship must have been endorsed by their school as fitting and by The Mercy Project on the ground as needing. The list of candidates needing sponsors varies throughout the year... currently there are only girls' profiles listed on the website. But all too often we forget the logistics of providing the support required. So anyone sympathetic and of a mind to donate, yet perhaps wishing to retain a distance or anonimity, can easily make a donation specifying how the money should be applied in the comments section of the paypal form. Even a few Pounds/Dollars/Euros can help. One example: The Thai carers who visit the kids and their families on the ground provide much of their support voluntarily, so helping with local transport or petty expenses for example is a very nice way of supporting the supporters! And they will know too that their efforts are recognised.

Unfortunately these days with so many charities out for our money, its a case of Don't ask, don't get.
I'm asking.
How to Give