Google and launches branded email for members...

As announced on ... pic=109298 .

BANGKOK: -- Google [GOOG] and have launched a branded email solution for its 42,000 members.

All members of can now have a ThaiVisa branded email address powered by Google!
You will get a Thaivisa branded Gmail email account like, with 2 gigabytes of storage.

It's either a web mail (a la Gmail) or a full POP3/SMTP. Up to you!
For life!

Sign up here:

1. Login/signup to our forum and click here: ... &MID=20382

2. Enter "Message Title": email
Just write "email" as text (we know what you mean!)

3. Your new email account login and password will be PM'ed to your forum account within 48 hours. You can change your own password later, of course.

4. When you are ready and got your login/password, please say hello and let us know here!

Book your name now! Have fun!


An interesting discussion follows from other readers....
Maybe a good option if one wants another e-mail account
and with 2 Gigs of storage FREE... a good deal :-)

Looks like Google is getting serious about competition...
with Microsoft... worldwide!