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Thread: Beware!! Jomtien beach Sex Dvd/Vcd dangers!

  1. #1

    Beware!! Jomtien beach Sex Dvd/Vcd dangers!

    Was relaxing on the beach yesterday and bought a few things from vendors on and off during the afternoon.

    Along cam the gay porn dvd sellers and of course i had a browse and bought 4 asian ones and a farang one for my friend.

    ( how long have the sold CD`s on the beach? - never saw this before)

    Anyways they must work in teams - after i bought my 5 DVDs along came another vendor - i said " have already" but before i knew it he thrust a pile into my hand and said look look - very young boys!

    I glanced at top of pile and there were 2 young farang kids ( couldnt have been more than 8-10) in explicit pictures.

    I freaked and pushed them right back at him and told him to get lost and my Thai friend also told him strongly to go away.

    Just the thought that i was in possession of those things for even just a few seconds makes my skin creep!

    What a chance for a sting for the unsuspecting newbie to Jomtien.

    Dont touch the CD`s on the beach or you are asking for trouble!

  2. #2
    Also be careful going in the water at Jomtien

    I wondered why nobody seemed to be swimming then decided to go for a "paddle" . There were Jellyfish & dead fish everywhere! A few thai guys were collecting them up in bags - not sure to eat ot just tidy up near their pitch? Also lots of Thais casting for fish - you might get hooked!

    Also seemed to be a stream of foamy dirty looking water coming in every hour or so (sewage?)

  3. #3

    Re: Beware!! Jomtien beach Sex Dvd/Vcd dangers!

    Quote Originally Posted by Oogleman
    What a chance for a sting for the unsuspecting newbie to Jomtien.

    Dont touch the CD`s on the beach or you are asking for trouble!
    A very good chance, I should imagine, particularly once the guy gets caught by the police and they see the opportunities available from what he is selling. :idea:

    Besides I bought two VCD of commercial films at the beach a couple of years ago. The reproduction was atrocious and virtually unwatchable - they went straight in the bin. My pal also bought a couple of discs but found on getting them home that they were not what they were advertised to be but recordings, in Thai, of Thai TV programmes. Of course, by this time the seller was long gone and my mate was back in UK - it could have been worse and been kiddie porn with the danger of being caught out at customs when entering the UK.

    Caveat Emptor ! :cheers:

  4. #4
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: Beware!! Jomtien beach Sex Dvd/Vcd dangers!

    Quote Originally Posted by Oogleman
    Was relaxing on the beach yesterday and bought a few things from vendors on and off during the afternoon.

    Along cam the gay porn dvd sellers and of course i had a browse and bought 4 asian ones and a farang one for my friend.

    ( how long have the sold CD`s on the beach? - never saw this before)

    Anyways they must work in teams - after i bought my 5 DVDs along came another vendor - i said " have already" but before i knew it he thrust a pile into my hand and said look look - very young boys!

    I glanced at top of pile and there were 2 young farang kids ( couldnt have been more than 8-10) in explicit pictures.

    I freaked and pushed them right back at him and told him to get lost and my Thai friend also told him strongly to go away.

    Just the thought that i was in possession of those things for even just a few seconds makes my skin creep!

    What a chance for a sting for the unsuspecting newbie to Jomtien.

    Dont touch the CD`s on the beach or you are asking for trouble!
    The horrible thing from my point of view too is that he wouldn't be selling them unless there was a market for them on the beach. Ewww. And how could anybody actually sell that stuff? I mean what's going on with that person? Where's their empathy and sense of self-worth?
    JESUS LOVES YOU, yes, even you nancies

  5. #5
    Senior member
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    I was on the beach today at Jomtien and saw the police surround some deckchairs a little away from where I was sitting. They were arresting a Thai and taking his DVD's
    Don't try to hold in farts - they travel up your spine and into your brain and that is where shitty ideas come from.

  6. #6
    Who on earth buys DVDs in Thailand????????????????????

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran Brad the Impala's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by gerefan
    Who on earth buys DVDs in Thailand????????????????????
    Anyone who wants new movies for 100 Baht. If you are a regular customer, you can get them for 80 Baht, no good no pay.

  8. #8
    Forum's veteran TrongpaiExpat's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by gerefan
    Who on earth buys DVDs in Thailand????????????????????
    Because some of us live here?
    E Dok Tong

  9. #9



  10. #10
    I must add that the Dvd/vcds i bought this time are of superb quality.

    Much better than anything before.

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