With the start of the Phuket Sandbox still two months away, officials in Chiang Mai have set out how they propose to deliver their Chiang Mai Sandbox starting in October. No, it won't be in Chiang Mai city, but somewhere in Chiang Mai province. I'm not sure how many of our intrepid northern sex tourists can put up with 7 days of elephant-watching, but they're a hardy bunch.

As I recall the October Sandboxes (including Pattaya) are a necessary precondition for quarantine-free travel for the vaccinated in 2022, and the October Sandboxes are themselves dependent on the success of the Phuket Sandbox.

Doubtless the usual know-alls will point to the supposed “failure” of the mass vaccination programme starting this month, forgetting completely that it’s a phased programme with registrations preceding the actual vaccinations themselves, which were always intended to start in mid-May. It’s all in the original post for the “mass vaccinations” thread.

Meanwhile here’s the skimpy information about Chiang Mai