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Thread: Keeping Posts Civil - A447

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran
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    Keeping Posts Civil - A447

    I am not a member of Gay Thailand or any other board except this one so I cannot take my objections to the other board but what does piss me off is when someone and there have been a few, who have written nasty, provocative, condecending posts and then they get upset when they get me to react. I guess that is what was meant about TROLLING.

    The latest has been the constant attacks from A447 who recently posted:

    Posted Yesterday, 02:27 AM

    Today I posted on Sgt that perhaps the buyer had gotten cold feet.

    I also told the present owner to spare us all the long farewells.

    Finally, I suggested that it seemed only positive comments were welcome.

    That post got me banned. Haha

    Here is yet another example of a post that was made to insult and enrage and TROLL. The problem here is that A447 has softened the way he relates the post but basically is correct when he said that he posted to spare us all the long farewells.....

    What he fails to report is that there were numerous times he was asked to please hold his posts his constant barage of insults, complaints, PROVE IT! posts etc until the new owner took over. Rather than do that he like a few others continued with thier digs in order to try and get a flame going and then goes to another forum and cries that he only asked innocently who the new owner was and got banned. Seems like he forgot to write that the system generated message told him that he was banned for only 7 days so he could think about his posting habits but wanted it to sound like he was permanently banned.

    LOOK, because of everyting going on in my life right now, both medically and physically I'd appreciate a break and if you want to push buttons well dont be surprised if I oush one back.

    It's all about trolling and insighting of fights on a board. Trolling is not allowed no matter who it is.

    Oh and PS, the new owner has not had a change of heart or cold feet we are just waiting for the banks to confirm everything prior to making huge changes.

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: Keeping Posts Civil - A447

    There seems to be a misnomer now going around.
    He was not given his 7 day suspension for what was said on another board, he admits in his post that it was originally posted on this board. After getting the post removed and a 7 day suspension he then went and wrote his version on another board. He was already suspended for an entire week here which is what I felt I needed to keep him at bay til the transfer of ownership took place since he would not stop.

  3. #3
    Senior member
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    Re: Keeping Posts Civil - A447

    This post is not in any way stirring, looking for a fight or to insult, before I get accused of it.............but some kind of balance is needed here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neal
    There seems to be a misnomer now going around. He was not given his 7 day suspension for what was said on another board, he admits in his post that it was originally posted on this board. After getting the post removed and a 7 day suspension he then went and wrote his version on another board. He was already suspended for an entire week here which is what I felt I needed to keep him at bay til the transfer of ownership took place since he would not stop.
    But his 'version' was entirely accurate, he WAS banned, 7 minutes or 7 days, it comes to the same thing....banned! at no time did I see anywhere A447 mention the word 'permanent', that is only being played out in your own mind in what amounts to your 'version'. I'm not sure why you feel the "need" to keep anyone "at bay" until the deal is done. For what purpose? if the new owner is going to continue the forum what does it matter when a post is made?

    Sorry Neal, i think this time you are simply wrong. You really need to take a step back and put things into prespective. It seems to me you are putting the pressure on yourself by the way you deal with situations, it's unfair to blame others for your personal situation or take it out on them.

    A447's post is NOT trolling, and he is certainly not a troll and never has been just because he asked a few probing questions that you just happen not to like. What makes it all the more absurd is that you are accusing him of exactly what you now are guilty of yourself here, posting comments about him on a forum he cannot answer because he is banned from doing so.

    Regarding A447's points you banned him for-
    He asks if "the new owner maybe has cold feet"....that is a perfectly reasonable conclusion to come to given that the dealine YOU YOURSELF posted has come and gone. The fact you have actually answered it points to the fact that is was a relevant one to ask. You have advised that the sale is still on. That's all you needed to do in the first place instead of banning A447 for asking it.

    He asked that "the owner spare us long farewells"..... I'm afraid that is relevant too. You put the cart before the horse......posting your farewell/leaving thread weeks before the deal has even been concluded! Not only that you had a farewell BBQ, again, by your own admission before the deal was even through!......... and then the promise of yet another final farewell later as you posted in another thread. There is a right and credible way to do things, and that is to get the deal done then start with the farewells. So A447's comments are entirely accurate. If you are not feeling well why dont you just ignore what are, at the end of the day, only a few words? You are clearly well enough to make accusations, it's unfair to use your illness as an excuse and justification to attack and ban members. While I genuinely sympathise with your medical condition as I would do with anyone on this forum, you are not the only one who has issues 'going on right now' in their life or dealing with medical problems, we ALL are! in your world of self and me you it would be better to take that into consideration before posting sometimes.

  4. #4
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    Re: Keeping Posts Civil - A447

    In brief Newallaan I feel you are wrong. Why?
    A few posters stirred the shit saying that the deal was in the works "months" ago when in fact it is barely over 2 weeks. When the wire was sent it was to be within 36 hours but there is some delay. Whatever. As the deal was struck then and was expected to close within 7 - 10 days a goodbye was certainly within order. A goodbye party was certainly within order and that last "goodbye" you speak of was not a goodbye but an update as to where the deal was because people were posting all about that the new owner had not taken possession yet. That's why it was titled UPDATE.

    Since I am not allowed to reprint PMs I can't do so and reveal contents, warnings, arguments going back and forth between him or anyone else for that matter so what you see is far off from one little innocent post. I did mention that he was asked numerous times to stop with his challenges and arguments for a short time til the new owner took over but as usual you can't stop him.

    7 days or permanent is the same? Well yes in theory but your way and his sounds just so much more drastic than it was. A 7 day cooling off time because I don't wish to deal with him and all that was repeated was "I got banned" sounds so much more different whether you wish to adnmit it or not.

    The end point here Mr Newalaan is that a couple of people are taking thier liberties and making cheap shots and "telling" someone who is the owner of a board to "save us your long winded stories" is in fact flamming and trying to get a rise. Telling an owner of a board and talking like that when you are playing in his playground. Humph.

    The details or exact dates of the deal are not anyone's business but the buyer's and the seller's and if it is delayed a few days it is none of the members business as to why. My keeping the membership informed of some of the details is a courtesy. If you think that you can get a rise out of me by going to another foum and saying (which he did) that all the new members appeared to be hydras when in fact there was some very large advertising and promotions going on in Europe and then get involved with several other nasty comments, you surely will get a rise.

    Asking what's going on etc. would not have provolked an angry response but the way it was worded and the warnings and cautions issued almost every day the week before would have led one to understand what happened while he sits there oh so innocent and cries look at what that big bad fat man did!

    This thread is a cautionary post to stop the challenging. I have put up with it long enough and yes this board has worn down my already poor health. Play on the board all you want. Have fun but as it has been mentioned before and to someone quite close to you, leave me out of your games.

    And publically I have no problem in saying that I don't think I should feel the need to defend myself on this topic again with you.

  5. #5
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    Re: Keeping Posts Civil - A447

    PS The deal was to go ahead 2 weeks ago but then he decided to catch up on some other business he wanted to finish off first so while we had a deal we put off the payment. Then he was relying on a second person to handle it and they did not so it got delayed. The deal was still there and everything was complete except the purchase. He then chose to handle details himself and since it was international, it takes a few days, not that I need to explain this to anyone. And finally he asked me to handle the board til May 1 so that he could finish clearing items he already had. So you see when you state that these goodbyes and parties were premature cause there was no deal, you are quite mistaken and he may or may not explain it all to you. His decision. But I assure you from day 1 this was always a done deal and in place, again not that I should have to explain that to you, A447 or anyone else or why is there a delay in the purchase.

  6. #6
    Moderator a447's Avatar
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    Re: Keeping Posts Civil - A447

    I am now "unbanned."

    I'll keep this short, for obvious reasons.

    Since I am not allowed to reprint PMs I can't do so and reveal contents, warnings, arguments going back and forth between him or anyone else for that matter so what you see is far off from one little innocent post. I did mention that he was asked numerous times to stop with his challenges and arguments for a short time til the new owner took over but as usual you can't stop him.
    Neal, you have my permission to post ALL the correspondence between us (Pm's and emails) right here on the open forum. I have nothing to hide. But I'm guessing you won't, as they will reveal your true character - a person far removed from the cute, cuddly, compassionate and caring persona you have tried to create for yourself here.

    Up to you.

    And as for your constant referrals to on-going health problems, it is YOU who is eating himself to an early grave.
    A man your size should not be eating cheesecake and fried chicken.
    Please, spare us the cry for sympathy; your health problems are totally self-inflicted. That's something you have always conveniently omitted in your posts.

  7. #7
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    Re: Keeping Posts Civil - A447

    The point is that although Neil has some health issues he gave his best to have a great place here for us. OK, we lost some star-writers (at least one) but you can't please everybody. As I am neither a friend of Neil nor his doctor I would not comment his health status, that would be kind of disrespectful.

  8. #8
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    Re: Keeping Posts Civil - A447

    a447.....you simply cannot help yourself you??? Bitter..argumentative all the way. Try being nice...you'll be amazed at the positive feedback. Remember hate is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Keeping Posts Civil - A447

    Neal, as owner/moderator of SGT we/I kind of hope that some of the inflammatory posts will be moderated to spare the members exposure to the Wankers who cant help but criticize anyone who dares to challenge or disagree with their opinions.
    As to the numerous current posts regarding the sale of SGT, what the f... is their problem.?? Yes you announced it far in advance of the actual sale, but anyone with an ounce of intellect should realise that in business transactions there can be obstructions to a quick and easy conclusion. Well the board has been sold now apparently and the change of ownership is taking longer than you or supposedly the new owners would have liked. Since your original post regarding your intention to sell, there have been far too many unjustified critical posts, many of which you have apparently rightly felt a desire to respond too.
    Unfortunately I have observed on SGT and in fact almost any forum you look at, that a response to a critical or intentionally inflammatory post will only reinforce the original poster's over-inflated opinion that they are right. Best left alone, let them live in their own little worlds where they consider they are far superior to any other poster who may share a different opinion than them.

    I have no doubt that your less than sound state of health has been negatively affected by running this board and I find the constant criticism of you for mentioning your health unfounded and unkind. We all post about what we think or are experiencing and I have sensed lately that you are unnecessarily justifying your reasons for divesting yourself of SGT. I wonder why the members here feel you need to even tell them any reason you are selling. They should be showing appreciation for the work you have put into keep this forum alive so they can share their (often dubious) opinions and knowledge.
    I have no direct knowledge of the events that led to the banning of A447, other than the postings in this thread. I guess those that feel they have been wronged will usually try and justify their situation with incomplete or errant information, to garner sympathy to their plight . Whilst informing others of the fact it was a temporary situation and not a permanent or necessarily arbitrary decision, some animosity and jumping to conclusions may have been avoided. Thus not subjecting all and sundry to the griping re a situation that has worked itself out now.
    Finally to Mr a447, it is arrogant and ill informed to dictate what a person should or shouldn't eat because they are dare I say it "FAT". In private, sure express your concerns re their health to the person in question, but don't blurt out your disregard for their situation or feelings in a public forum, It does you a disservice.
    I only met Neal once, for a short time and found him to be most jovial and convivial.
    I appreciate your work on SGT Neal, and hope removing the stress of moderating here will result in some improvement to your lot in life cheers mate..

  10. #10
    Forum's veteran lonelywombat's Avatar
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    Re: Keeping Posts Civil - A447

    Quote Originally Posted by Krazy4thai
    Finally to Mr a447, it is arrogant and ill informed to dictate what a person should or shouldn't eat because they are dare I say it "FAT". In private, sure express your concerns re their health to the person in question, but don't blurt out your disregard for their situation or feelings in a public forum, It does you a disservice.
    I only met Neal once, for a short time and found him to be most jovial and convivial.
    I appreciate your work on SGT Neal, and hope removing the stress of moderating here will result in some improvement to your lot in life cheers mate..
    I agree with the entire post and highlight his last remarks. You have a highly inflated opinion of your own importance and it does you little credit.

    Your remarks to Neal I hope will be reflected in your own posts in future. At least that is what we hope for.
    Wombat : an Australian marsupial that eats,roots and leaves

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