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Thread: Correct English?

  1. #1
    Junior member
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    Dec 2004

    Re: Curtained bars

    Quote Originally Posted by Jellybean
    I would like to ask bruce_nyc two questions. Who is your master and why were you bating him in your own room? : )
    I would like to ask the same - I for my part like to masturbate sometimes alone in my room.

    It is definately* even more pleasant with freinds** and thier*** friends

    *) Idiot-speak for "definitely". One of the most common moronic misspellings found on the internet. Urbandictionary.com

    **) how dew u spel friends? Urbandictionary.com

    ***) a common misspelling of "their"; Often made by new generation kids who spend all their time slacking off in school, and using abbreviations on nearly any word concievable; Urbandictionary.com

    English is not my 1st language, so I'm sometimes puzzeled about how native English speakers spell some words - fortunately there are the internet and spell checks.

    Neal may not like my off-topic remark but I had to get this off my chest for once.

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran francois's Avatar
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    Re: Curtained bars

    Quote Originally Posted by BenCH
    Neal may not like my off-topic remark but I had to get this off my chest for once.
    Ben, I am assuming your spelling of puzzled and conceivable were intentional?

    Some of the words you listed such as their/thier and friends/freinds are often a result of typos rather than misspellings. Sometimes the fingers get confused when "touch typing" with letters being transposed. But,you are correct, a spell check usually picks up these errors so no real excuse. Regarding "their" the usual mistake is to use "there".

  3. #3
    Senior member
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    Feb 2013

    Re: Curtained bars

    may i ask who really cares ?? as long as you can read whats been written does it matter if the spellings not 100% correct . this is a light hearted forum, not a school classroom, tho im sure thats where some would prefer to be!!
    and do i get detention for not using capitals or should that be capital's ... get a life comes to mind.

  4. #4
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: Curtained bars

    Ah ha! That's where that I before E except after C is a worthless lie! :laughing3:

  5. #5

    Re: Curtained bars

    Ha ha ..yes i do that all the time...pressing the wrong keys when i type....its not a major problem

  6. #6
    Junior member
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    Re: Curtained bars

    Quote Originally Posted by francois
    Ben, I am assuming your spelling of puzzled and conceivable were intentional?
    Fran├зois, no, not intentionally misspelled; I had thought to have corrected puzzled, but obviously not! And "concievable" was copied-pasted from Urbandictionary.com - so quite a shock.

    As non-native English speaker I care about spellings and am sometimes unsure about what is correct. I believe I can see the difference between typing errors and misconception - and I would not react to typing errors. The examples I gave are notorious here. Bear in mind: I am ignorant as far as English is concerned and would like to learn!

    Now, go ahead and correct my language errors again, I'm grateful for it!

  7. #7
    Moderator christianpfc's Avatar
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    Aug 2010

    Correct English?

    Quote Originally Posted by BenCH
    Quote Originally Posted by francois
    Ben, I am assuming your spelling of puzzled and conceivable were intentional?
    Fran├зois, no, not intentionally misspelled; I had thought to have corrected puzzled, but obviously not! And "concievable" was copied-pasted from Urbandictionary.com - so quite a shock.

    As non-native English speaker I care about spellings and am sometimes unsure about what is correct. I believe I can see the difference between typing errors and misconception - and I would not react to typing errors. The examples I gave are notorious here. Bear in mind: I am ignorant as far as English is concerned and would like to learn!

    Now, go ahead and correct my language errors again, I'm grateful for it!
    ChristianPFC likes BenCH's post. We had a thread about native and non-native English speaker on this or another forum, where I expressed similar thoughts. On this occasion, I might praise gaybutton for his clear and error-free English, I have yet to find a single mistake in his posts. (For others, it is difficult to find a single post with correct spelling and standard punctuation.)

  8. #8
    Senior member
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    Feb 2013

    Re: Curtained bars

    i still dont get it ... so you like to read proper english as it helps you learn better .. would you be happy if when actually speaking to an english speaking person, he kept on saying he couldnt understand you because of your accent ?
    or would you consider that to be rude ?

  9. #9
    Moderator christianpfc's Avatar
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    Aug 2010

    Re: Curtained bars

    I prefer to read correct English.

    I have an accent, some people (native speakers) mentioned that they found it initially difficult to understand, that's not rude, I appreciate any advice on my English, written or spoken.

  10. #10
    Senior member lukylok's Avatar
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    Belgium / Chiang Mai

    Re: Curtained bars

    Nothing to do with the curtained bars, but I agree with Christian.
    A text with faults (more than typos) discredit the writer.

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