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Thread: Drummond's anti-gay slur

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran
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    Drummond's anti-gay slur

    that ghastly Brit hack who revels in other's misfortune has posted on his blog a story about a new airline and praising them because there isn't a "gay flight attendant in sight!".

    This slime ball who contributes to the criminal mafia style corporation News Corp rags hasn't yet comprehended that Britain's tabloid writers are considered to be even lower on the evolutionary scale than..real estate agents and used car dealers !!..and most passengers would prefer not to share the same inflight air as them. arty

    I'm only a light drinker. When it's daylight I drink.

  2. #2

    Re: Drummond's anti-gay slur

    Good to see O'Booze back - and I agree 100%.

    I have been totally bemused over the years by what has almost become a campaign for the beatification of the Blessed Andrew Drummond - what the fuck is that all about?

    To read the glowing tributes posted on various fora (there was yet another homily posted here very recently) you would think this guy was something more than a freelance gutter gossip-monger who happily and unashamedly flogged his tat to the highest bidder (including the odious and disgraced News of the World).


  3. #3
    Forum's veteran Brad the Impala's Avatar
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    Re: Drummond's anti-gay slur

    Hearing what you all say about Drummond, but wasn't he also the one journalist that stuck his neck out for Kevin against the macmafia?

  4. #4

    Re: Drummond's anti-gay slur

    Quote Originally Posted by Brad the Impala
    Hearing what you all say about Drummond, but wasn't he also the one journalist that stuck his neck out for Kevin against the macmafia?
    Dont confuse the people here who want to see everyone in black and white without any shades of gray.

  5. #5
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: Drummond's anti-gay slur

    Quote Originally Posted by Brad the Impala
    Hearing what you all say about Drummond, but wasn't he also the one journalist that stuck his neck out for Kevin against the macmafia?
    I think 'stuck his neck out' may be an exageration. Kevin was a "good story" for British tabloids. there are plenty of others in dire straights including Thai nationals that he ignores.

    He certainly published tales of Kevin's woes but he also suffers from the Fleet Street malady that has just been exposed by the Rt Hon Justice Lord Leveson : that the writing and publishing of accurate events somehow absolves journalists when they commit crimes, hack phones, bribe police and so on.

    On the said hack's website where he delves into ex-pat resident's backgrounds including 2 he has a personal beef with, and routinely 'exposes' illegal acts
    ( it was once thought when a person was convicted and served their time they were entitled to re-enter society ) he boasts of his efforts in hunting down a former famous Brit entertainer.

    Since edited from that tale (but still available by Google cache) he mocks Vietnamese and Cambodian authorities as he laughingly tells how he and a photographer lied on immigration forms and bribed local officials for information. The rules are for others of course.

    I do not think Thai politicians have read this man's work : what he presents on his blog is not what he writes for Britain's gutter publications : he routinely calls Thailand police, courts, politicians corrupt and defames the country and people who host him. He holds out as a beacon of rectitude whilst surrounded by filth and corruption and misunderstands Thailand's unique culture with his arrogant British colonial pomposity !!

    Not very wise in a country where Karma is a bitch.
    I'm only a light drinker. When it's daylight I drink.

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran Brad the Impala's Avatar
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    Re: Drummond's anti-gay slur

    [quote=Lunchtime O'Booze]
    Quote Originally Posted by "Brad the Impala":3mw7fmgt
    Hearing what you all say about Drummond, but wasn't he also the one journalist that stuck his neck out for Kevin against the macmafia?
    Just to maintain a little balance, I'm no particular fan of the guy, but......

    I think 'stuck his neck out' may be an exageration. Kevin was a "good story" for British tabloids. there are plenty of others in dire straights including Thai nationals that he ignores.As do most other media

    He certainly published tales of Kevin's woes but he also suffers from the Fleet Street malady that has just been exposed by the Rt Hon Justice Lord Leveson : that the writing and publishing of accurate events somehow absolves journalists when they commit crimes, hack phones, bribe police and so on.I think that the major point was also about the inaccuracy of some of the stories, whose victims had no redress at the time, whereas you don't seem to be disputing either the accuracy of Drummond's reports, merely complaining that they have exposed some of your friend's wrongdoing. Not quite what Lord Leveson was referring to!

    On the said hack's website where he delves into ex-pat resident's backgrounds including 2 he has a personal beef with, and routinely 'exposes' illegal actsSurely to be applauded...!
    ( it was once thought when a person was convicted and served their time they were entitled to re-enter society ) he boasts of his efforts in hunting down a former famous Brit entertainer.I think that the hypocrisy of those who cannot acknowledge their own past, while maintaining a facade of respectability is not wrong to be exposed

    Since edited from that tale (but still available by Google cache) he mocks Vietnamese and Cambodian authorities as he laughingly tells how he and a photographer lied on immigration forms and bribed local officials for information. The rules are for others of course.Are your comments, in this and the previous paragraph, written in defence of Gary Glitter, a self acknowledged paedophile, now facing further charges in the UK on that count. And Drummond is to be pilloried for exposing him? A most curious set of values!

    I do not think Thai politicians have read this man's work : what he presents on his blog is not what he writes for Britain's gutter publications : he routinely calls Thailand police, courts, politicians corrupt and defames the country and people who host him. He holds out as a beacon of rectitude whilst surrounded by filth and corruption and misunderstands Thailand's unique culture with his arrogant British colonial pomposity !!I think that most clear headed individuals, foreign and Thai, acknowledge that Thailand's police, courts and politicians are corrupt!

    Not very wise in a country where Karma is a bitch.And might it also be your middle name?[/quote:3mw7fmgt]

    If you dislike him so much, why are you reading his blog? To keep informed?

  7. #7
    Senior member zinzone's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Drummond's anti-gay slur

    In my opinion Andrew Drummond seems to be one of the few media people in Thailand who is brave enough to try to speak the truth and he attempts at considerable personal risk to expose a lot of the criminals and con artists in Thailand. Long may he continue.
    I do not for a moment consider his "anti-gay slur" -it that's what it is- as of any importance or relevance. Its a bit like if I went into a boy go go bar in Thailand and I looked at the other customers and said "not a woman in sight!" or I looked at the dancers on the stage and said "not a katoey in sight!"
    Andrew Drummond may not be perfect but he is far better than many of the people he writes about.

  8. #8

    Re: Drummond's anti-gay slur

    If I (as a gay man) went into a boy gogo bar and later wrote that there "wasn't a woman in sight" then I'd be commenting on that positively - rather than bemoaning the lack of women.

    I interpret Drummond's comment in the same vein - that it was a positive experience for him as a str8 guy (worthy of writing down) that there were no gay air stewards in sight. He certainly doesn't seem to have been commenting on the situation adversely, does he?

    So, whilst "anti-gay" might be a tad strong, my view is that it can reasonably be interpreted that he was quite pleased to see that there were no gay air stewards.

    However, let's go further: there is no way that Mr Drummond actually knew for a fact whether there were any gay air stewards on his flight or not.
    What he really means is that none was exhibiting what he considered to be overtly "gay" mannerisms - which opens up some more questions about Mr Drummond's attitude to gay people. Clearly he believes he can "spot" gay people from the back of a plane - although whether it's because (in his opinion) they talk funny or mince up and down the aisle with their arse cheeks moving as if chewing a caramel, only he knows.

    If you take that into consideration then maybe "anti-gay" isn't an exaggeration at all.

    If any of the above is an incorrect interpretation of what he meant , then Mr Drummond is hardly a shrinking violet and is more than capable on coming on to SGF (where I believe he has an account), and setting the record straight.

    Can I comment also on his "gay opus" which has been alluded to (ad nauseam) by some posters - there is a very thin line between bravery and the sheer arrogance of the British press which makes "journalists" feel that they can publish what they like because they are untouchable. This could be the same arrogance which led him to deliberately catch the same flight, sit close to, and harass Gary Glitter after his release from prison - actions he boasts of.

    Getting back to the "Pattaya case" - I do not think for one moment that, the whole truth has come out (in either direction).

  9. #9
    Forum's veteran Up2U's Avatar
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    Re: Drummond's anti-gay slur

    Quote Originally Posted by zinzone
    In my opinion Andrew Drummond seems to be one of the few media people in Thailand who is brave enough to try to speak the truth and he attempts at considerable personal risk to expose a lot of the criminals and con artists in Thailand. Long may he continue.
    I do not for a moment consider his "anti-gay slur" -it that's what it is- as of any importance or relevance. Its a bit like if I went into a boy go go bar in Thailand and I looked at the other customers and said "not a woman in sight!" or I looked at the dancers on the stage and said "not a katoey in sight!"
    Andrew Drummond may not be perfect but he is far better than many of the people he writes about.
    I generally agree with these comments. I think the alleged gay-slur was over blown. Drummond has been sued several times and has few cases still pending but so far he can back up everything he prints.

  10. #10

    Re: Drummond's anti-gay slur

    Quote Originally Posted by Brad the Impala
    ...I think that the hypocrisy of those who cannot acknowledge their own past, while maintaining a facade of respectability is not wrong to be exposed...
    Sorry Brad but a "maintaining a facade of respectability" is completely inapplicable in the case of the entertainer I believe O'Booze was referring to (see my post immediately above). The guy had literally just come out of prison - where's the "facade of respectability" in that - it was harassment plain and simple.

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