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Thread: National Parks Chief Demolished

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran Brad the Impala's Avatar
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    Jan 2004

    National Parks Chief Demolished

    National Parks Chief Demolished For Encroaching On National Bribery Areas

    10 Aug 2012
    BANGKOK тАУ Today the government took the extraordinary step of demolishing the director of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP) for repeated violations of established bribery precedents. Damrong Phidet was convicted of nine counts of encroaching protected Bribery Areas when he ordered the destruction of large, profitable hotel resorts owned by powerful business interests who had paid government officials to allow them to build inside national parks.

    тАЬWe regret having to demolish a government bureaucrat of such high ranking, but itтАЩs in the interest of the nation that we prioritize our sacred graft areas,тАЭ explained Cote Trachoo, the permanent secretary for the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry.

    тАЬWe have to set an example that such encroachment will not be tolerated,тАЭ he added.

    At 9 a.m. Thursday, movers were sent into DamrongтАЩs office to dismantle his file cabinets and disconnect his phone and LAN cable. Despite protests from his staff, the workers forcibly took apart all functional aspects of the workspace, rendering it useless and inactive. The locks were then changed and DamrongтАЩs keypass code deactivated.The press was invited to witness the demolition, which the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry called тАЬproof that we are serious about protecting the kingdomтАЩs assets.тАЭ

    In a released statement, the Yingluck government praised the demolition, asserting that the protected Bribery Areas were a non-negotiable part of ThailandтАЩs precious heritage and enduring culture. The statement also promised to rebuild the destroyed hotels and тАЬrestore the natural environmental balance of corruption and exploitation to our Kingdom.тАЭ

    In a rare case of opposition approval, the Democrat Party has extended its endorsement of the demolition. However, party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva condemned the Yingluck government for not going far enough. тАЬIf Yingluck really cared about protecting ThailandтАЩs graft, she would dismantle the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation entirely,тАЭ he said. тАЬThe mere existence of this kind of non-profit oversight is an invitation for future abuse.тАЭ

    Although completely demolished, Damrong vowed to take the case to court, claiming that his encroachment was legal. However, legal experts have cast doubt on the strength of his case, citing decades of Thai legal precedent.

    тАЬThe courts have been consistent on this matter since the 1940s,тАЭ said one retired judge. тАЬThe written law wonтАЩt save you when you break the unwritten rules.тАЭ


  2. #2
    Senior member
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    Mar 2011

    Re: National Parks Chief Demolished

    This is from Not The Nation :laughing3:

    Bangkokians Celebrate 10th Anniversary Of Ignoring KingтАЩs Advice On Royal Motorcades

    http://notthenation.com/2012/07/bangkok ... otorcades/

    Business Leaders Applaud YingluckтАЩs Absence

    BANGKOK тАУ The Thailand business community gave its broad approval to the Yingluck government this week for its consistent approach of non-governing.

    In a press conference co-organized by the Bangkok Business Association and various trade groups representing businesses as diverse as automotive, tourism, manufacturing, and food processing, the ruling coalition was awarded the BBAтАЩs highest honor, the Absentee Award.

    тАЬIn the year since taking office, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has hardly even shown up for work, much less initiated any kind of economic legislation. And we wish to thank her for that,тАЭ said Leewong Worasak, BBA president.

    The association specifically cited YingluckтАЩs absenteeism from parliamentary meetings as their favorite policy of her government, along with Pheu ThaiтАЩs obsession with pointless reconciliation bills and politically-charged issues that have nothing to do with the economy.

    тАЬPT has done literally nothing to fix the economy,тАЭ Leewong said. тАЬThank goodness.тАЭ

    http://notthenation.com/2012/08/busines ... s-absence/

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: National Parks Chief Demolished

    Does it mean this is a joke or is this still real?

  4. #4
    Senior member
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    Mar 2011

    Re: National Parks Chief Demolished

    It is a joke, but a clever one, try to read my links and their other articles.

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