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Thread: is gayromeo killing the hostbars

  1. #1
    Junior member
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    is gayromeo killing the hostbars

    Is Gayromeo Killing the Hostbars.

    In one year i discovered a big increase on line members on gay romeo.

    Asking the boys why they prefer gay romeo instead working in the hostbar

    Generally the answers are
    . I am my own boss
    . I have quicker a customer then working the whole evening in the bar
    . Customer do not have to pay the bar off fee
    . When i am sick i have one day no income, when i work in the bar, i have to pay 200 bath.

    Is this really ???

    For the customer it is allways a certain risk taking a boy from gayromeo
    . in a hostbar you having more secure boys, i mean when there is a problem with the boy you can always go back to the bar
    . many pictures are picture of boys on younger years, in the bar you see the boys in real

    Please tell you if you prefer gayromeo or boy from hostbar, please tell you negative or positive experience
    with boy bars or gayromeo boys.

    It is nice to see what other peope like or dislike

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran joe552's Avatar
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    Re: is gayromeo killing the hostbars

    I can see the advantages of GR for the boy - as you point out, they are their own boss and can choose when to work or not. I prefer host or go-go bars so that I can chat to the boy and get to know him a little. I've never really been into "anonymous" sex (even in my younger days - and yes, I can remember!). I have contacted one guy on GR who I hope to meet on my next trip - solely based on his photo. We'll see how that goes. But generally, I expect to spend most of my time in host or go-go bars as before.
    Hitchhiking's more of a challenge on the road less travelled.

  3. #3
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    Re: is gayromeo killing the hostbars

    Quote Originally Posted by dutchkiwi
    Is Gayromeo Killing the Hostbars.
    Not sure about killing them, but no doubt it must affect them in some way. I think most holidaymakers still probably prefer the experience of visiting a bar having a drink as well as offing a boy he can see is genuine and not relying on possibly inaccurate info/photos on the internet via GayRomeo (i know there are no guarantees in bars too but the chances are better). Boys selling themselves outwith the 'bar system' is nothing new though, they've done that for years mostly through repeat/regular liasons with customers after exchanging info on mobiles etc. Many expats after the first encounter with boys simply keep/save up contact info to save going through the bar off routine. Many boys have relied on those repeat liasons with expats and regular visitors for years, for many it's those meet-ups which pay the basic rent regularly.

    I daresay expats and very regular visitors who have multiple partners and like day-time hook ups will use Gay Romeo regularly, but as i say i think many non-regular visitors who want a more guaranteed hook-up, in looks and face-to-face talking will continue to use the 'off boy bar system'. The thing about Gay Romeo is that it is often not much of a long/interactive experience as many boys on GR only want short time and as short a time as they can...in-and-out asap, so to speak. Some customers no doubt are just as happy with that arrangement, but many farangs/customers who visit on holiday want a more 'boyfriend-like' experience where you take a bit of time to select a partner, enjoy visiting the bars and enjoy some romantic-style or social interacton/chatting-up as well as the sex.

    Many boys use the bar system and the Gay Romeo together for maximum 'exposure'. However there are still loads of bar boys who do not use GR for business and many who have such limited understanding of english they can't use it. I would think the 'bar system' would still be the preferred way of most/many customers and boys to do business based on the 'what-you-see-is-what-you-get' rather than the 'chancing your luck' thinking.

    I have a bf so i'm not using the bar system or GR for offing, i enjoy visiting the bars anyway, but if i was regularly hooking up with working boys I would probably still visit the bars to hook up. I may use GR occasionally for a daytime quickie or coming across the profile of a suitable boy who doesn't work the bars. At the moment I mostly use gay romeo simply to keep in touch with guys i know in Thailand by using the GR messaging system as many boys change their mobile number regularly.

  4. User who gave Like to post:

    GerBear1958 (June 5th, 2020)

  5. #4
    Senior member vnman's Avatar
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    Re: is gayromeo killing the hostbars

    What I could make out from a previous thread, it's killing the GOGOs. I just gave GR a quick look and my first observation was that the Thai boys don't seem to have discovered Photoshop. It would also seem that they use their own pictures and not from some random Korean boy. Yes, Both of these things are very popular in VN. Boys can keep sending you pics of other boys and when you confront them with this fact at your meeting, they would simply shrug it off " so?"

    But back to the GR story. My 5 minute visit has confirmed my earlier sentiment on the matter. It's just not for me. It must be what a fisherman feels like when he buys his fish online. GOGOs would be shooting them in a barrel and clubs (my cup of tea) a Canadian river where all the salmon swim upstream and I can easily catch A good looking one but still have to put some effort into it.

    Something that often happens to me: I find a boy and we have a good time. At some moment I might decide to take his picture. 90% of the time the picture doesn't do the boy justice. And when I show them to my friends, catch myself saying "he looks much better IRL." There is something called "being photo genetic," and that's not just an empty phrase. On the other hand, that coin flips two ways. There can be some nasty surprises waiting on the other end of a cuties pics.

    I can see the advantages for the boys and Farang (god, I hate that word) But I'm not going to be using any GR this trip. Next to my clubbing, I am planning a quick (sober) barrel shoot in Pattaya though. :happy7:

  6. #5
    Senior member anonone's Avatar
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    Re: is gayromeo killing the hostbars

    I am the same as newalan, using GR to keep track of friends, advise them when I will be in town, etc. I really enjoy the total bar experience, so for me, GR is not used for hookups with someone I do not already know

    BF and I started perusing GR one day to find a new friend for the evening. Gave up shortly thereafter. Looks are certainly a big part of the package, but I much prefer a guy with personality over a dud, no matter how sexy he looks in a photo.
    Impossible to get a feel for the guy on GR.

    Unfortunately, I am horrible about getting a guys phone number when the BF and I agree he is a lot of fun. I just do not think about it. Sometimes the BF takes care to get it, other times I have to search him out on GR later. :banghead:

  7. #6
    Forum's veteran Wesley's Avatar
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    Re: is gayromeo killing the hostbars

    After 4 years with gay romeo, I find you have to know who you are dealing with. So, I have two rooms in my condo, one room I keep every thing worth keeping, in the other I keep every thing related to sex. If you are there and are in a motel keep it all in the safe and expect them to steal. They are hungry. But I pick and choose who I am with. I have 270 some guys in my plus account where I keep up with the guys I like and the ones I know and would have back. To me its better to go with those kind of guys and since I live in a condo, they still have to leave their drivers license downstairs. Anyway, and I can call after they leave and do a quick check. So, yes its made a difference for me, why fly to Thailand when I am getting all I can handle in the Philippines. I get many just because I am white mostly for free in the Philippines. I pay occasionally but usually just taxi fare, so , they can keep the taxi fare or, take the downtown train mostly for nothing then a motor scooter with a third wheel. similar to a tut tut. If I do pay a guy or call him in its usually when I do its because of some reason like I know the size of his appendage or something like how good he is in bed and how often I have had him back. But then I met one thata I like as a BF, a Bf that pays for most of the food and trips , so I am Happy with him most of the time, but some things in bed he don't like to do, so I do am allowed to pick out a guy I like occasionally and make it up when I want to. But mostly I am happy with him. If the marriage thing in NC had of passed instead of failed we would have waited gotten married Here. I met him on Gay Romeo. Very Nice Chinese Guy.
    All the Best!


  8. #7
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    Re: is gayromeo killing the hostbars

    OK, I own a go go bar so I am prejudiced but I dare say that several times I have also tried Gay Romeo.
    My honest honest opinion is this. Every time except one, I was disappointed that the picture was unrecognizable as to the picture on Gay Romeo. They were either much older, had photo shopped their picture or some other thing had ocurred between when the photo was taken and the time he was called. In the one instance that the boy was very good and the photo resembled what showed up, the boy again showed up the next day saying he had left his ring. When getting access to the bedroom it was evident that he in fact had not lost his ring as sat on the floor and started crying that hos friend has stolen everything of his and that he wanted to borrow money. It became obvious that he was on drugs. I found that the boys I called were constantly late by 30 minutes to half a day and many did not show up at all.
    Maybe some of you don't mind that but I like to have exactly what I see, either on a picture or in person. I like to know that they are there when I want them and not when the feel like showing up. I kike the fact that their ID card is on file at the bar so that just maybe there might be recourse.
    One last item. After reading this before, I got the idea to have many of the bar boys available for house calls just like Gay Romeo.
    The first time around I got 5 boys to have their pics taken. The second calling I got zero. No more boys wanted their pics taken and put on the web for the second business I had in mind for fear that friends or parents would see them. No matter how much I talked to them it was no - way. This leads me to believe that many of the boys that are fem don't care as much but many of the boys who were very handsome, well you will never see them on Gay Romeo and you may be missing something.
    Sure for you it is one or two drinks cheaper and a lousey $15US off fee less but I have exactly what I see and when I want.
    I think if you have come half way around the world and need to save $15US and a drink, um well ummmm......... :8(

  9. #8
    Forum's veteran arsenal's Avatar
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    Re: is gayromeo killing the hostbars

    I simply do not understand the appeal of Gayromeo. I look on the Websites of Krazy, Happy Place, Happy Boys, Eros. I look at the pictures and think that some of the boys are decidedly ugly. And yet in all cases I have actually offed those boys and in real life they are beautiful.
    Neal is right. You fly half way around the world and then try to save ┬г10 on a couple of drinks and an off fee. Pathetic really. And....you ARE much safer with a boy from a bar.

  10. User who gave Like to post:

    GerBear1958 (June 5th, 2020)

  11. #9
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: is gayromeo killing the hostbars

    Oh and a quick add-on. When a farang walks into a bar not only does he have all the pluses I mentioned above but the boys are also competing with maybe 15- 20 other boys maybe 30 in high season, whereas on Gayromeo the boys are a competing with a few HUNDRED!

  12. User who gave Like to post:

    GerBear1958 (June 5th, 2020)

  13. #10
    Forum's veteran bucknaway's Avatar
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    Re: is gayromeo killing the hostbars

    For many of us, using Gayromeo is not about saving money. It is simply a way to meet guys. Will Romeoo kill the host bar? No as Television didn't kill radio and YouTube didn't kill TV. There is room enough for every different avenue of meeting.

    I like the adventure of it all and some of the guys I meet on Romeo are guys I have chatted with for months. Now the guys I have met on Grinder.. That is another story.
    These are the good'ol days

  14. User who gave Like to post:

    GerBear1958 (June 5th, 2020)

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