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Thread: Thoughts on Babylon hotel?

  1. #1

    Thoughts on Babylon hotel?

    Hey everyone,
    I will be visiting Bangkok for the first time in April. I was considering staying at the hotel part of Babylon, as it would be close to the fun. My standards for a hotel room aren't super high. I will be in Bangkok for 5 nights.

    Seem like a good idea? Would you stay there all five nights? Any thoughts are appreciated!

  2. #2

    Re: Thoughts on Babylon hotel?

    Unless you plan on spending all your time in the sauna it's not conveniently located to all that Bangkok has to offer.

  3. #3
    Junior member
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    Re: Thoughts on Babylon hotel?

    I stayed at the hotel section for 5 days one year. I wanted to use the workout room daily. If you plan to spend most of your time at the bath house, it makes sense. The room was nice but sparse. I agree with the previous poster -- it is not convenient to most of you want to experience in BKK.

    Enjoy your trip!
    Chelsea NYC

  4. #4
    Forum's veteran bucknaway's Avatar
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    Re: Thoughts on Babylon hotel?

    When I stayed at Babylon, I stayed in the Barracks portion that had the group shower. I liked staying there a lot. When I came back to the room early in the morning I would take a shower and end up meeting a Thai guy that was looking for fun.

    If your only in Thailand for a short time and are looking to indulge in the gay scene than you can't do much better than staying at Babylon.
    These are the good'ol days

  5. #5
    Forum's veteran
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    Nov 2008

    Re: Thoughts on Babylon hotel?

    just a cautious waring, as you say april and seem to know nothing. WHAT are the dates? Aware of Songkran, the water spalshing ''fun'' Thai new Yr-around the 14th? VERY bad time to visit this country or city. Also april is about the worst of monthes for a visit, hot very humid, but not yet rainy (you just wish those rains start falling down to cool it off)
    Agree with above re this place. If you simply want a simple, cheap room -and be able to receive visitors, there are much better value places at much better locations a plenty. But when asking this, say a little more of what you want to do in this lovely city besdies visitng sauna's.

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: Thoughts on Babylon hotel?

    I booked to stay here once but changed plans and forfeited my booking so only been to the sauna part.

    Unless you want to only eat in Babylon and stay within the compound, from Babylon you need to walk a good 5-10 min walk down a mostly residential road before you reach any shops, eateries or amenities. Skytrain/MRT stations are much further away so you'll be using taxis to get everywhere. Rooms look very basic and you can get much better rooms for that price elsewhere and better located.

    If you're visiting Bangkok for the first time strongly recommend against staying here. Might be fun for 2 nights but no more than that.

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran colmx's Avatar
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    Re: Thoughts on Babylon hotel?

    If you like to sleep in a double bed don't syay in teh Babylon Barracks

    All the rooms there have 2 x beds made from poured concrete and the beds are either at right angles to each other or are in set out in series
    (ie. ┬ж and not paralell II) so are absolutely useless for sex

    Also no TVs in the rooms

    And i have never seen anyone but farangs in the communal shower blocks...
    Buffalo me die! Send Money!

  8. #8

    Re: Thoughts on Babylon hotel?

    Quote Originally Posted by colmx
    If you like to sleep in a double bed don't syay in teh Babylon Barracks

    All the rooms there have 2 x beds made from poured concrete and the beds are either at right angles to each other or are in set out in series
    (ie. ┬ж and not paralell II) so are absolutely useless for sex

    Also no TVs in the rooms

    And i have never seen anyone but farangs in the communal shower blocks...
    But knocking-shops like Babylon & BB only appeal to sex-addicted sleazeballs who will revel in the spartan conditions anyway - a bit like a certain "Hotel" in Blackpool where getting gang-fucked by a gaggle of manky and repulsive strangers on the first floor landing seems to be almost compulsory.

    Quite why so many gay men seem to feel a need to degrade themselves has always been a mystery to me. I guess it must be low self-esteem.

    :dontknow: :dontknow:

  9. #9

    Re: Thoughts on Babylon hotel?

    Thanks for all the feedback. I think what I will day is stay there the first two nights, since I will be jetlagged. Then switch over to a better located hotel for the following nights. Appreciate all the advice!

  10. #10
    Forum's veteran
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Thoughts on Babylon hotel?

    My Thai bf and I stayed at the Babylon Barracks for two nights in August when Babylon was having their promotion. I was always curious what it was like to stay there, so we booked a room for two nights. The standard room (which does not have a private bathroom) had a very comfortable queen size bed and a single bed on the opposite side. There was a small TV in the room - the cable channels were not clear. It was fine for us since we wanted to just relax around the pool, go to the gym and stay put until in the evening- then hit Silom. You get a free pass into the Sauna so that already saves you 260 baht; the breakfast (cooked in the kitchen) is one of the tops... BUT, I wouldn't stay there again since I prefer my own bathroom and for the price of 1700 baht, you can pick up a decent hotel in Silom area for that price (on Agoda) with your own private bathroom.

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