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Thread: Late night bangkok query

  1. #1

    Late night bangkok query

    Hi All
    I am in Bangkok for a few days at the end of June. Unfortunatley I am travelling with a few friends who unaware of my sexual preferences. Therefore i'll unable to vist the 'attractions' till bout 1 or 2am most nights. Are the gogo bars still open at that time? Babylon seems to open all night but are the gay discos eg Dj station open very late?

  2. #2

    Re: Late night bangkok query

    Screwboys is open later than the other bars which I think most close at 1am or at least it was a few months ago.

    Others can advise you on the Disco hours although i am sure they are open much later.

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran
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    Thailand (couple times a year)

    Re: Late night bangkok query

    You can probably turn up to DJ Station or GOD at 1am no problem... I THINK they open until 2-3am.

    Actually, does anyone know the exact opening times of these places? I can never remember and it helps to know?

    From the last trip I gathered:

    On weeknights, DJ closes 2am and GOD stays open until 5am.

    On Fri/Sat nights DJ closes 3am and GOD closes at 3am as well.

    Anyone care to confirm or correct me?

  4. #4
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: Late night bangkok query

    My first trip to Bangkok was with a bunch of straights too. I ducked out for a look see in the gay area on my own and thought, wow.

    Next trip I came back alone... went to DJ Station etc. and had a blast.

  5. #5
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    Re: Late night bangkok query

    Quote Originally Posted by irishladrob
    Hi All
    I am in Bangkok for a few days at the end of June. Unfortunatley I am travelling with a few friends who unaware of my sexual preferences. Therefore i'll unable to vist the 'attractions' till bout 1 or 2am most nights. Are the gogo bars still open at that time? Babylon seems to open all night but are the gay discos eg Dj station open very late?
    In this day and age why are you are firmly in the closit !!! Why should you bow to your friends preferences and spoil your visit? Dump them and go alone, you won't be alone for long. Option 2 excuse yourself at 11.PM and do your own thing.
    Don't try to hold in farts - they travel up your spine and into your brain and that is where shitty ideas come from.

  6. #6

    Re: Late night bangkok query

    After months of reading this forum I have now decided to register and post because of the wrong and speculative information written here by Beachlover.

    Timings at the moment, with soldiers all over Silom, are very uncertain depending on what the shirts are doing. Bars and discos are trying to stay open as long as they can but a lot of guys are not going out so most places are closing earlier than normal.

    In Normal times closing times are:
    DJ Station = 3am, sometimes a bit later
    GOD = 5.30am, but don't bother going until 2am because people are still at DJStation
    Soi 4 bars close at 2am
    Gogo Bars in soi Twilight close between 12.30 and 1am
    Screwboys in Patpong closes at 2.30am and sometimes later
    Babylon - I don't know the official closing time but don't bother after 10.30pm and there's hardly anyone there after that time.

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran TrongpaiExpat's Avatar
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    Re: Late night bangkok query

    Good accurate info from new poster with a strange name.

    Adding to it: Babylon is now closing at 10pm. 39 underground sauna midnight but few there after 10, except weekends. Chakran closes now at 11pm. The only one I know is open all night is Farose.

    There's after hours bars/karaoke but you need someone to show you where, no signs and no lights and if the police come by you have to sit in a dark-out until they move on in some places. If your a typical farang with no knowledge of real Thai/Issan food and language, most of these after hour places are of no interest.

    Street trade is another late night option but AYOR and again if you don't speak Thai you can run into problems. Some of the bar boys can be found around soi Twilight after hours eating at street vendors--hit or miss after 2am.

    GOD was staying open late if there are customers. Now, I guessing there are none. Same with Screw boys, no customers or falling bombs they close.
    E Dok Tong

  8. #8
    Forum's veteran
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    Thailand (couple times a year)

    Re: Late night bangkok query

    Quote Originally Posted by SilomRimmer
    Quote Originally Posted by Beachlover
    Anyone care to confirm or correct me?
    After months of reading this forum I have now decided to register and post because of the wrong and speculative information written here by Beachlover.

    In Normal times closing times are:
    DJ Station = 3am, sometimes a bit later
    GOD = 5.30am, but don't bother going until 2am because people are still at DJStation
    Why thank you for replying. But do the opening hours differ between weekends and weeknights? I noticed they did on my last couple of visits. We went to another (straight) club after 2am or 3am because GOD had shut at the same time as DJ... which doesn't match with your info above.

    I used to think GOD gets going ONLY when DJ closes... but on recent trips I found on some nights (I forget which ones) both DJ and GOD were busy at the same time. Hence, I think they may be a difference between weekend/weeknight routines. Or maybe it was a due to a temporary factor like police action etc.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Late night bangkok query

    For me its a shame to travel with friends which might not know the own preferences (if its not for business), sorry but
    I have to write this :notworthy: greetings from Switzerland

  10. #10

    Re: Late night bangkok query

    Thanks for all the info lads. Very helpful. Looks like i'll have to make my excuses a bit earlier than i thought judging by the closing times.

    Would much prefer to be travelling on my own but we're only stopping over in bangkok before travelling onwards as part of longer holiday. I'll defintely be returning at some stage.

    What would you recommend as the best time to visit Babylon so if doesn't stay open late? is there much of a street trade (bar the politicial unrest)?

    Thanks for the help

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