Quote Originally Posted by latintopxxx View Post
...for the 1000th time...the vaccine (any/all) does NOT stop you from catching covid, its supposed to minimise the severity of the illness...stop you from getting really ill and possibly dying....ive been triple vaccinated and still caught covid twice and both times it was extremely mild...have had much worse flus.....hopefully this trend will continue as Im far too young and gorgeous to die...
Well, well talking sense (although YOU saying something for a thousand times doesn't make it so! But in this case it is true).
However, you mention flu. Many think they've had flu but haven't really had the muscle aches, even your hair hurts. You REALLY know if you've had flu.

But the flu vaccine DOES help protect against infection (my doctor quotes 80% protection).
Flu jabs are available in Thailand for about 1000 Baht.