Quote Originally Posted by Dodger View Post
You got that right.

I visited Hungry Hippo on Soi Boi Khao right before the lockdown and was amazed at many young farang there were walking around the area. They were too young to be expats on extensions, so I assumed they were here on extended tourists visa's as you mentioned.

I spotted a young (early twenties) blond-haired - blue-eyed farang who was an absolute doll (Russian?) who I would have loved to share a coffee with - but he was sitting with a fat hooker with smeared eye shadow who looked like she was still drunk from the night before. I felt like slapping her in the face with my pancakes.
You know what I think: classes are online now. Many young people just go to Thailand and follow their university classes online. Their monthly allowance from their parents gives much more purchasing power in Thailand. Maybe in the future if all classes are always online our universities will empty out and all our young people go to countries like Thailand. Only return for exams to their own countries. I wish I was young now. So much better.