Generalizations are futile on subjects like this one..
Each and every Thai boy is different as is each and every farang.. sure
there are commonalities and similarities but the range runs from one
end to the other..
It is somewhat foolish for farangs to say what Thai boys feel and think as
they will never really know due to cultural and language and generational
What we can tell is what we feel and what we think is going on.. Time often
proves us wrong but sometimes proves us true. There are many examples
of emotionally satisfying relationships between the Thai boys and their
older farangs and plenty that are simply financial with no emotional part
on either side..

I have noticed that the Thais I have met in villages and elsewhere do not
get emotional with each other even if they haven't seen each other in a long
time. In the West, parents often gush all over their children and carry on but
in Thailand, emotions are held in check, at least in front of farangs.
Holding hands and kissing in public are often frowned upon except in places
like Pattaya, which is an exceptional place and has its own rules of conduct..

So, some boys behave very emotionally but do we really know what is in their heads/hearts and some boys behave cooly and perhaps more sincerely.
Some farangs are like ice with the boys and treat them poorly and some
farang shower the boys with money and affection.. enough said, fred. :cat: