Quote Originally Posted by John Botting
As per normal, the c*nt GF has come out for under his stinking rock to poor scorn on whatever I say.

My post was to help robah in some way if I could.
As was mine, Mind the Gap. Had you read what I said instead of rushing to disagree with me at any cost you would have seen that everything I posted was 100% correct and relevant to Robah (yours appears to refer to a totally different situation to his).

You would, for example, have seen that I did not say that his relationship was "not meaning anything" - what I said was "there is no requirement for a proof of relationship, nor, technically, do you have one unless you have been living here, together, for a considerable amount of time (at least 6 months, preferably 1 or 2 years). Your personal guarantee/sponsorship/invitation is largely valueless for a tourist visa application unless you can show this".

Attempting to score points by disagreeing with and belittling advice which is both relevant and correct, for no justifiable reason, and posting your own experience which is totally irrelevant to the poster, is pathetic; just what I have come to expect of you.

I posted my reasons for my personal dislike of you both as a person when we met and as a poster here before, and I can see no point in doing so again. As far as I am concerned our mutual dislike has little place here, so I suggest we simply refrain from casting disparaging remarks on or disagreeing with each others' posts now or in the future, as I have previously done.

(Last successful visa? Last year)