Well, not sure that I could give a very interesting report and I certainly can offer no information regarding
any gay life there (I was there with my Chiangmai bf and we were only in the tourist mode and neither looked
for nor visited any bars or whatever). But I'll think about it (I do have hundreds of photos I'm trying to organize).

I would note that I found the Vietnamese in Hanoi to be rather friendly. We stayed in the old quarter at
the Church Hotel (about two blocks from the main lake there) and the scariest part of the entire trip was
trying to walk across any significant street (you just walk steady into traffic, don't make any sudden moves,
and pray to god/buddha that you make it across). There were no traffic signals or stop signs in the old
quarter area that I saw.

From the down side of things, the air is badly polluted all over the place (and it continues my sad amazement
how so many places in southeast asia are simply ruining their environment). Even 3 hours away to Halong
Bay the area was still badly polluted (which dumbfounded me but that's the way it was).

In any event, maybe I can put together something in the next month or so if I take the time and have the