I don't qualify here (I can't even spell illustrious) and can't offer much comment. Just returned from almost three weeks in Chiangmai and Kunming. Other than a few visits to one night market bar (amongst the group of bars west of the soi behind the "peak"), I didn't visit any of the gay scene in Chiangmai. I did have a couple of drinks late afternoon at Soho but nobody was there then. I did drive by the Coffee Boy site one afternoon (on the way to the bus station for a trip up to Chiangrai) but didn't notice anything going on there (hell, didn't even see any signage).
I did spend a few evenings drinking a bit too much in a new bar called My Life which is just around the corner from the Prince Hotel. "Garn" is the owner, it's just a small place for a drink or whatever, and the reason I went there is I and my CM bf have known Garn for years. He also cooks at the "So Good" restaurant right next door to My Life. (Btw, I think it's called My Life but it might be My Way.....hell if I can remember).
Sorry for the limited comments but I didn't get out much....