KQuill. Thanks for the info about Roi Et & Kalasin, I will look around there when I am up there again, very soon infact.
However, did you know about the Resort owned by a Manchester guy which is very gay friendly. Not far from Kalasin area in Apphur Kranuan about 60 Kilometers fron Khon Kaen, very near the border of Kalasin and Khon Kaen. Its well woeth a visit or stay over night.
If your passing ask for Howard, he's a very interestin guy, like yourself. Been in Thailand for over 20 years.
There are about 100 farang living around the area and I am thinking of settling there myself.
Enjoy Kalasin its a great place, I have had a relatinship with one from there for a while now.
Good luck with whatever you are doing.