Quote Originally Posted by kkjason View Post
Have you ever been to Bangeledash? I have - it is definitely not a place I would want to stay in when retired - particularly if I had money - I would get the hell out of dodge, with my money in tow, and live in Thailand in a heartbeat. Who gives a fuck if they looked down on me, because I would have the money to enjoy myself.
This isn't about you or what you want. It's not cost effective for a Bangladeshi to move to Thailand; they would need twice the amount of money to have the same standard of living as they would have in their own country. You can do a cost of living comparison using one of the online tools available. And if they could afford to spend twice the amount of money, they can have a very good standard of living in their own country. Yes, I know what life in Bangladesh is like. But if you have the money you can live in a bubble, just like the farang living in Pattaya.

Moreover, the concept of moving away after retirement is quite alien in most Asian cultures. Most would rather live close to their families, friends and grandchildren. If they're religious, they'd want to spend more time in prayer and contemplation and getting more involved in church/temple/mosque activities. My parents bought a terrace house in JB some years ago and we sometimes spend our weekends there.They plan to spend longer periods there when they're retired but the reason they picked JB is because it's only a 45-minute drive away in good traffic and the cost of living in Malaysia is lower than in Singapore. We did have neighbours who moved to Melbourne, a city with a higher cost of living than Singapore. They were an elderly couple who had two kids who had migrated there after their studies and had become Australian citizens. The kids could bring in their parents under some exceptional PR scheme because the parents were old and had no other living relatives in Singapore.