few people know that I was the first lingerie model in 1925 when Hymie Wyngarten of Yonkers invented the very first Over the Shoulder Double Boulder Holster and asked me to ease my ample bosom into it and step out into Times Square at midday creating a sensation.

Traffic came to a standstill , horses bolted and stockbrokers leaped from buildings although some claimed that was something to do with the Stock Market Crash. My crash came shortly after when Mrs Wyngraten noticed Hymie's wandering hands extended beyond adjustments to the world's first bra.

###there is serious side to all this with the odious WalMart internal memos in the US having been revealed..older workers or ones with leg problems are to be encouraged to not sit down and they want to create an 80% part time staff ( shifting the payment of health care onto other taxpayers) with no-one staying longer than 2 years. As the largest employer in the US, their products are mainly produced in China already posting the world's largest profits.