Christian: Well you're certainly right that I have no background in science or engineering but I'm not sure your knowledge of the humanities is well grasped either. Just compare the first mobile phones, computers, cars, planes, ships, submarines with those that were built a relatively short time later. You are right about China apeing the west but then you have to remember that the China of today is only about 40 years old. China is still the only country in the world that has a commercial, fully working maglev and the possibilities with that technology are awesome. They even managed to build a train line across the Tibetan plateau which is like concrete in the winter and not to mention the highest train in the world using some quite ingenius solutions.

You wrote:
"We are doing renewable energies in Germany, and have difficulties to manage storage, supply and demand, transport. If we have difficulties, how are the Chinese going to manage?"

That's rather an egotistical thing to write. Germany has given the world an endless supply of high quality consumer goods especially cars and domestic appliances but in energy you're some way behind many countries including The UK.

Watch a few videos on youtube about the things China has built recently and a few more about things that are planned and you'll see that rather than playing catch up China is actually leapfrogging ahead more than you might realise.