Quote Originally Posted by a447 View Post
I would like to think that there is an answer. I live in hope. But it involves cooperation, which I don't think is forthcoming.

Nobody has a responsibly to be Mr Nice Guy here. Nor do they have a responsibility to tell the truth, or to be who they say they are. We are in cyberspace, so that's a given.

We have the right to post whatever we want (within reason). Matt can tell us he's blind. Latin can tell us he fucks straight workers he picks up from the construction site. Frequent can tell us he's been living in Thailand for the last three decades. Brad can tell us he's not Surfcrest.

Members have a perfect right to post such garbage, but then we also have the right to question it. If you are not happy with that, don't post. Simple.
What the hell are you going off about now? You're probably THE single biggest shit thrower on this forum, just so you can make yourself feel like some big, tough guy.

Then when a thread like this comes up, you're going to actually try to defence your actions as though you had the betterment of the board at heart? Get fucked....