I've just searched back for that old thread ( 2012 !) but I see that was one of many that Neal deleted in his good old spiteful days of yore. However what he forgot ( and I had forgotten also) was the gay massage shop beside the restaurant also had a massive problem with this guy and the owner of shop had posted to the board at that time supporting my view and explaining his problems, Neal then ( who as I found out later had already had a row with this same owner previously ( over almost nothing and some very minor slight between the pair of them) then acted true to form suggesting he was "worried about being sued" ( just for a change) and suggested he would look into it before allowing more posting etc, however as I discovered later he point blank refused to even take a call from massage shop owner so they could discuss it or him prove his case ( no surprise there I guess and he wasn't so worried about being sued when talking about food poisoning from someones apparently dodgy soup from what I recall.....anyway, I digress...

Anyway, so whilst the original thread has been deleted I did find a portion of it below which gives the story - and even now on reading it it brings it all back and whilst I'm sure their food is lovely IMHO no self respecting gay man should ever give this guy a single baht of their money - and just because he doesn't realise you're gay so you "get away with it" in his restaurant really isn't the point maybe.

So, copied ( and edited to read making sense in THIS thread) but taken from 2012 thread ......

The trouble with that evil twat in indigo is nothing short of an unhinged HATRED of all gay people there is no other issue and everything derives from that issue, I believe he may have several other serious character flaws as well but as it was only the vicious and could have been violent if I'd have been smaller / weaker / softer etc homophobia that I witnessed so I'll stick to that.

And to recap the ONLY reason - and I can't stress that enough - the ONLY reason we were chucked out was that after the owner spotted us and made the assumption that we were gay and my BF was "obviously" a money boy, (he wasn't wrong there actually but my bf was mature and well dressed and actually we'd just left the banyan tree which has a strict dress code so there was no question of us looking out of place ). But on him deciding we were not wanted he had his manager go through a whole charade about how we had stolen someone's table ( there weren't even any other customers waiting for tables) and even after his own staff backing US up and saying we hadn't etc he then simply gave up the charade and said "just get out, we don't want "your sorts" in here and when I pulled him on that and said "what do you mean your sorts, what you have a problem with me because I'm gay" to which he then gave up all pretence and just went off on one calling us faggots and shouting get out, just get out, and repeated the whole not wanting your sorts thing several times / plus pointing at me whilst saying it all like I was some piece of shit on his shoe. When we did leave he then went outside after us into the soi where he thought his customers couldn't hear he really let fly with lots of FUCK OFFs, DON'T COME BACK, FUCKING FAGGOTS - and lots more - which I happily admit to matching him swear word for swear word on by that point !!

So, I don't think there will be a natural conclusion to this, he is what he is, an ( in my view mentally unstable) bitter deeply unhinged homophobe - and I think the crazy thing is if any one asks him he'll happily confirm this for you - which is why I think it's hilarious some of his customers are defending him without simply asking him "is he" and did this all happen or not - and if he says no then I'm happy to leave it up to people to make up their own minds but I'm fairly sure he'll happily back up my report and if you tell him your gay and that's why you're ringing will call you a sick faggot and hang up on you!

The above ( slightly edited above as I've already confirmed simply to make it read better and make more sense in the context of reading it now) can be found at....
