To be fair to that loud mouth Duterte whilst he certainly got carried away with his mouth ( as usual) I'm not actually sure that he DID call the President anything as I think his comment was more directed at the reporter/s after he'd told them he wasn't answering political questions at that news conference and then they went ahead and asked him one - and it was late at night and I do think he was pissed off with the reporter - not that thats any excuse of course - but say what he will it seems his people LOVE him and he can do no wrong.

When he first got voted in and started his "kill them" nonsense I said to my Flipino BF "omg what have you elected" and he launched into how I'd no idea what I was talking about and how he was a man of the people and would "save them" etc, we actually had quite a row about that and how he was disregarding the rule of law and how no good could come of that in the long term etc, but no, I'd no idea what I was talking about. I now ( with glee) point out each and every mistake the guy makes ( like calling the Pope the son of a whore too - and them SUCH a catholic country ( when it suits) - but again no, in the eyes of my BF ( and his wider family) the man can do no wrong and every bad piece of press about him is just the Flipino press ( who are owned by his enemies and are against the people accordingly to my bf ( he might have a point there ) are just pushing bad stories against their wonderful President.

So as I keep telling him "ok, whatever you think, just watch this space as my I told you so is on it's way, it's only a matter of when !"