Quote Originally Posted by kommentariat
And there was me thinking you're a high-tech wanker who would know all about the Do Not Disturb settings on your phone
lol Yes, I know all about it. New phones now come with built-in vibrators too.... and even this new button called, Power Off.... or something similar.

But if I set my phone so that it is *silent*.... then I won't hear it ring when a really important emergency call comes through.

You see, I use my telephone ( voice calls ) as an emergency channel. So I normally only give my number to my closest family and friends.... people whom I *trust* have been raised in a civilized enough home to know the rule: Never never never telephone anyone before 9:00am, or after 9:00pm.... unless it is a *real* emergency.

For example.... If my bf is out ( late night or anytime ) with his friends and, god forbid, he gets into some sort of an accident.... then I absolutely want my phone to ring loudly and wake me up.

But for all others.... Don't ever call me before 9:00am or after 9:00pm unless there is blood involved.... or else I will block your number from being able to call me.

But, I receive only a couple of phone calls per month. Almost everyone I know uses http://Telegram.org to chat or talk with me.

The LINE app is passe because everyone knows that the Thai police, and pretty much anyone else who wants to, reads all of your messages. This has been reported openly *years* ago. ( a few sources: http://bw.gl/117 and http://bw.gl/116 )... Whereas, Telegram has an end-to-end encryption mode where even the NSA cannot listen in.