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Thread: Pattaya Go-Go Boy Bar Reviews - end-April 2012

  1. #1
    Junior member
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    Pattaya Go-Go Boy Bar Reviews - end-April 2012

    Just some random notes on the go-go boy bars and a few restaurants I visited in Pattaya recently:


    Copa Showbar - big place, beer 190, large audience (over 50?), get to the show early to avoid seats where sight of stage is blocked by two thick pillars in room. Professional but I found the underwater show too long and a bit tedious.

    Funny Boys - great place, lots of younger boys (by BoyzTown standards), beer 160, 2 other customers when I was there at about 10pm, clean set-up, towels and hand-wipe on arrival.

    G-U-Y (in Walking Street) - loud, loud, loud - the music and the boys. I went there early, about 10pm, and was the only customer throughout. Beer 150.

    Happy Place - this seems to get good reviews but I've never been too impressed. Beer 150. This time there was certainly some good talent on stage - 000 and 111 had nice packages and bodies to show off; 3 (Tao) is skinny but with a cute smile; 2 enjoys playing with his cock. The music is very loud and I was surprised that all 4 dancers at show-time were young but chubby and there were just 2 other performers to do the more erotic stuff and hold the show together. The show lasted 25 minutes.

    Lucky 777 - beer 160. Big place, seating around a central stage. I was there early (9:30pm) and was the only customer but a few more came and went in the following hour. Many very cute young boys here (check nos 4, 42, 48 amonst others), mostly in their (fake) Toot undies - but they all looked so bored, almost none made any attempt to shuffle on stage, let alone actually dance; none seemed to be seeking eye contact with the few customers that were there, for better or worse; no smiles and many standing with arms folded even when new customers did look in. The music is thankfully quite low volume, but sadly smoking is still allowed inside. Personally I think the boys would look better without footwear - maybe some guys find the black hard shoes and black socks combo with Toots on some of the guys to be sexy, but it does little for me!

    Splash Boys - a mixture of older and young boys. Check on numbers 2, 4 and 6 for cuteness. Beer 160.

    Toy Boys - about 20 young boys in white undies; beer 160.

    Vassa - I almost visited this place twice but each time backed out, partly because 180 for a beer seems unreasonably steep for such a small go-go boy bar (no show) and there are no more than 6 boys around at any one time. But eventually I stepped inside and was pleasantly surprised. Number 3 is very cute and well worth spending time with; 5 is both cute and the hottest of the dancers. Boy drink 120.

    X-Boys - I like this place, always a good and varied show. I arrived as the Big Cock display was in progress - quite inviting. Beer 200 I think - the doorman explained it's more expensive than other places because those hardons are on full show.


    Good Boys - fun, sleazy, relaxed, you decide. Beer 150. Around 10 street boys, none making any attempt to look clean or smart - just there on stage in (or out) of their baggy boxers, wanking away and showing off their assets, with (straight) porn on their phones to keep the party going. There seemed to be a jerk-off competition, sponsored by some other customers, while I was there - the boys almost queued up to jerk off onto one of the customer's drinks tables. Afterwards they would grab a tissue and casually wipe away their deposit ready for the next boy. I wonder if these tables get a full clean at the end of the night? On my next visit, while most of the boys were just about still wearing their loose boxers, one had given up altogether and was stark naked, lay on his back on stage with a full hardon. All good stuff. They keep the lights down low as the night gets later and activities more interesting.

    Happy Boys Bar - drinks 99. About 10 boys, mostly on the older side. Just one other customer so mamasan and the boys themselves all quite pushy to get attention and a drink. None that attracted me and I left as soon as drink finished.

    Mic My - similar to Nice Boys and same sort of boy-mix. Let down by a pushy and demanding (but ultimately harmless) mamasan - if you do get a boy to sit with you, she will expect you to buy a drink for her as well as for the boy. Beer 150.

    New Sawadee Boys - a relatively busy place. Most of the boys look VERY young and, during my visit, a mamasan suddenly burst in from outside and ordered all but two of the boys off the stage. They promptly ran off through the back of the bar. Just two "older" (and very cute) boys were left on stage - one told me he was 19, the other 21, so I'll assume from that that the rest are 18 or younger. A fun place.

    Nice Boys - beer 160, always relatively busy, lots of boys. Many cute and young boys in white undies. But I don't understand what the group of skater boys in sagging jeans at the back of the stage was there for - do they ever perform, or are they just decorative? Not a pushy place and many boys seemed bored, but some real cuties - 60 with a blond afro style hair do, permanently admiring himself in the mirror (as well he might!), 62 tall, with hands stuck in his pants almost permanently, with multiple ear rings and tattoos; 50 also cute.


    La Cuisine au Beurre - I'd say the food is consistently a bit better than Petite Planete down the road, and the prices marginally higher to match. Had a good, properly cooked steak there; mushrooms in sauce on toast to start; can't remember the desert. Service efficient if not actively friendly.

    La Petite Planete - 3-course dinner (curry chicken mayo and salad; steak in blue cheese sauce; peach melba), plus one beer and bottle of water came to 360. Perfectly satisfactory. Not a busy place.

    Volterra Italian restaurant (down side alley half way between Soi Day/Night and Sunee Plaza) - has its own Italian chef, and my pasta and bruschetta was tasty, authentic and big portions. Including a glass of house wine and a bottle of water the meal was 405.

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran joe552's Avatar
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    Re: Pattaya Go-Go Boy Bar Reviews - end-April 2012

    Thanks for the reviews - I'll be checking them out pretty soon. Glad you included a couple of restaurants - I'd begun to wonder if anyone else ate anything while they were in Pattaya/
    Hitchhiking's more of a challenge on the road less travelled.

  3. #3
    Senior member paperboy's Avatar
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    Re: Pattaya Go-Go Boy Bar Reviews - end-April 2012

    yes gracais basabajo

    sounds good and looks like you had a great time

    i will arrive may 17 for 30 days
    so will let you all know what i find

  4. #4
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    Re: Pattaya Go-Go Boy Bar Reviews - end-April 2012

    Thanks for this interesting report - i'm looking forward to verifying your notes on the boy bars and restaurents.
    Did you not visit Eros or Euroboys in Sunee ?

  5. #5
    Forum's veteran Manforallseasons's Avatar
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    Re: Pattaya Go-Go Boy Bar Reviews - end-April 2012

    I live here! Good report.....Verified! Eros open and is for sale, Euroboys has closed.
    "In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king"

  6. #6
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    Re: Pattaya Go-Go Boy Bar Reviews - end-April 2012

    the doorman explained it's more expensive than other places because those hardons are on full show.
    Bullshit...its THE most expensive...and they also allow smoking...worst gogo bar in Pattaya, in my opinion!

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran joe552's Avatar
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    Re: Pattaya Go-Go Boy Bar Reviews - end-April 2012

    hard-on's and smoking? definitely my kind of bar :occasion9:
    Hitchhiking's more of a challenge on the road less travelled.

  8. #8

    Re: Pattaya Go-Go Boy Bar Reviews - end-April 2012

    Quote Originally Posted by basabajo
    ... the boys almost queued up to jerk off onto one of the customer's drinks tables. Afterwards they would grab a tissue and casually wipe away their deposit ready for the next boy. I wonder if these tables get a full clean at the end of the night?...
    Let me assure you that the tables are licked scrupulously clean when I'm there, honey


  9. #9
    Senior member adman5000's Avatar
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    Re: Pattaya Go-Go Boy Bar Reviews - end-April 2012

    Thanks for taking the time to write this good variety of reviews. It helps me to look forward to the next trip. Hopefully most of them will still be in business.

    It seemed the prices are a bit higher but still more reasonable than BKK.

    Also, thanks for the restaurant suggestions. Will have to try them out next time. :occasion9:
    If you burn your neighbors house down, it doesn't make your house look any better. - Lou Holtz

  10. #10
    Senior member anonone's Avatar
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    Re: Pattaya Go-Go Boy Bar Reviews - end-April 2012

    Great reviews and just about right on with my experiences.

    X-Boys charges more for their drinks I am sure to pay for the type of show they have. Only one like it in Pattaya. Not someplace I visit every trip, but when the mood strikes it is nice to have it as an option. 2 Full on Action shows last week when I was there, including trips around through the audience. (And a gloriously cute and talented bottom to boot). For that, I will pay an extra 50 baht for a beer.

    Vassa is a hidden gem. I want to like Eros and Happy Boys more than I end up doing.

    Thanks for taking the time to post your experiences....

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