A big new boy go go bar called Number One Boy has opened in the
Day-Night Area just off Soi Day-Night 2 in the old JJ Pub.
It is big and well appointed with a big stage, good air conditioning and
good lighting.
It takes a brave soul to open another boy go go bar in the Day Night area
after so many have come and gone. Only Office Boy seems to have anchored itself in the general area and has a following.

Number One Boy is as big as Birdcage and also has a show..
I understand they are well staffed and more like a BKK boy go go bar or
a Pattayaland soi 1,2,3 style of boys than a Sunee go go bar.
It seems like queer timing to open at the end of high season but one can
only hope the new owners have deep pockets and patience.
Maybe this will get X in Pattaya out again for one more bar hop and he
can report back or anyone else for that matter. :cat: