Among us we have a lot of talent and some times it bubbles over to rise to the top of the pile, in this case one of our very own comedians in Pattaya, a very successful business man in his own right, who can speak many languages including Thai with 11 different dialects. has now be asked to start his very own TV show and newspaper colum, this guy as you see is a master of his art, having been a theatrical Agent In Scotland and then owning one of the biggest travel companies there also.

Living in Thailand for over 30 years in-between business commitments he has now retired to a Massive Mansion the biggest in Pattyaya, where as you will see from one of my pictures, had a big leak the other day in his staff toilets and did not know which knob to deal with first.
good luck with your new venture and I hope the film with Hugh Grant comes off soon also.

Martins message to you all.

HI Friends, I have recently been offered to become Host on a weekly TV series to be named Somsak-Martin's week with Pattaya People and also a weekly radio programme that will be played daily at different times, and a then have a full page in the Pattaya People weekly newspaper. I have already made the first part in the studios with the green back drop and next week will be filming the outside work.

The wonderful thing is, that in this new and latest media, you will be able to see my TV/radio/Pattaya People weekly newspaper every where world wide which can be now accessed on the Internet by clicking on the Pattaya people Website.

I will be also be doing what I did for the BBC some years back in Scotland and that is 'Mr Roving mike' where I interview folk at large.Only I am doing it tongue in cheek as I will be wearing funny masks, teeth etc as I used to do when I owed Frutin Travel to entertain my customers in Sunny Leith. It will also be showing the viewers all over the world what a beautiful place is this city by the waters of the South China Seas with permanent tropical weather!

I have also been asked to be the lead in a new Thai Ghost busting TV series for the Thai TV. I will keep you posted on that along with the latest... On the filming to be started in the new year re the forth coming blockbuster of warner bros starring Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock and where I am to be a supporting actor It was shelved for a while owing to a dispute with the Singaporean backers.

Furthermore I have been feted about every week almost daily by being invited to all the latest functions by the owner Niels of the Pattaya group as he wishes the public at large here to be better acquainted with me; and I am already hob nobbling it with other luminaries, including Khun. Ittipong the new Mayor of Pattaya and the US Admiral of the American navy just to name drop a few.

Today I have finally made front page on a story on air