best sex since my last lover of 6 years broke up
I went to Crazy Dragon and stayed a while, while I was there I ask for everything I wanted in a guy from the mamasan. At last when the bar was about to close and I was running out of time, finally they brought me this guy who said he as versatile afterward we kissed and made actual love to like a lover would make love to you, it was not just sex is was making love, A huge difference, he was a dancer and was 100 baht more to off but that was the best 100 Baht I have spent since I was here. PM me and after I am finished with him I will give you his name. Absolutely the best sex in a long time and it was real. I loved it, so did he. He was 23 from Phuket and had lost his lover of 18 in the Tsunami. Not a sad story it was after we had sex and he was paid we talked. Now, he would be worth taking back to Manila for a few years,

there fixed sorry I was over whelmed with emotions and had been drinking all night as well. Forgive my screw up