Sometimes the usual routine for tourists to Bangkok includes many late nights pouring 200 plus baht drinks down your throat followed by drunken frolicking until dawn...

A sensible option is to make use of the healthy alternatives that will both keep you looking good and performing well, if that is your thing as well.

A good routine while in Bangkok includes a good early morning jog through Lumpini Park.
With the sun and heat to contend with, jogging is best in the early morning or late afternoon when the sun isn't beating down on you.
Staying at the Malaysia, I begin by walking up to Rama IV (not jogging- too many hazards to trip over i.e., sewers, holes and worst of all dog turd) and taking the overhead walkway across Rama IV. When the MRT is open you can cross Rama IV through the Station.
The most difficult thing (where ever you are in Thailand) is crossing the road, in this case Wireless Road (Witthaya).

You'll see that the park is pretty busy early in the morning. There can be as many as 100 or more groups of (mainly) Chinese and Thais doing Tai Chi or variations of group synchronized activities. They move to the music (traditional Chinese) provided on small ghetto blasters, moving their arms, legs, and fans or waving swords to the rhythm of a leader. The Thais are the dominant joggers; running at all speeds and intermingled with the occasional farang (myself included).

The outer trail around the park has distances marked ever 100 meters, starting at the Silom MRT Station. There is drinking water available between Silom and Wireless Road for well about 7 baht. Remember to keep hydrated and avoid running in the sun as much as possible to avoid sudden dehydration. Treat yourself to a massage afterwards if you feel the aches and pains or stiffness of the muscles coming on. A good (Not happy ending) massage should be able to work most of the pain out so you will be ready to hit the park again tomorrow.
