"West" is just a stone's throw away from Casablanca Cafe. Friends say the owner is a gay man who spent seven years in Japan.

So I went to try it out. This is not an expensive place, although a number of annoying tourists were acting like it was. Burger: 160 baht. Two Pepsis: 50 baht. Bill: 250 baht. Cute boy waiters, quite gay -- unlike Casablanca.

How about the food? Limited. You can get pasta, or a burger, or fish and chips, or pizza, or some sort of fish stew.

Problems: it's an outdoors place, which has not heard of mosquitoes, so you may get bitten alive. The "hamburger" on the menu came with cole slaw; my actual hamburger in the actual restaurant did NOT.

The burger was OK, although the bun was a trifle burnt. The French fries were OK, but they are also OK at KFC and MacDonalds.

Will I go back to "West?" Probably not for a burger -- Mike's is better. Let's call it "a fairly quick meal when you're starving."

Otherwise, my vote goes 100% to Casablanca Cafe. Nimmanhemin, Soi 7 (both places).