The Beloved and myself (his slave) will be sittin' sippin' at the Bondi Hotel's (Jomtien Complex) street patio bar at around 7-8PM on Saturday April 8th . . . if anyone from the Board would like to join us for some gossip, drunken abandon, or showing ~ whoever will look :bootyshake: ~ how great you look in a thong.

  • Snide & laughter-filled remarks about Hedda's pretensions-about-almost-everything? No problem! :cyclopsani: [/*:m:7q8adxxi]
  • Gripes about ElephantSpike's inconsistent moderatin'? Absolutely! :blackeye: [/*:m:7q8adxxi]
  • Guess's about who in the fuck Homitern really is? Why not?! :drunken: [/*:m:7q8adxxi]
  • Try and figure out what in the hell happened to Ms Sanitree Na Pakin? WHAT a mystery!!! :clown: [/*:m:7q8adxxi]
  • Solve the problems inherent in Thailand's paternalistic, authoritarian, and corrupt political & social system? Simple! :cherry: [/*:m:7q8adxxi]
  • Debate whether LetMeTellU talks in capital letters. HE DOES ... BUT LET'S TALK ANYWAY! :argue: [/*:m:7q8adxxi]
  • Discuss the merits, cocks, asses, balls, all-around-baskets-in-general, & sexual predilections of passing-by gorgeous Thai Guys? You need to ASK??! :albino: [/*:m:7q8adxxi]
  • Investigate the pros & cons of neurotic butterflyism-vs-scaredicat longTermRelationshipIsm with PeterUK (who's trying it all out as we speak)! I want to know!! :cat: [/*:m:7q8adxxi]
  • Laugh heartily at Nelson's simplistic defense of everything-Palestinian-everytime? LOVE to ... sooooooo droll!! :cheese: [/*:m:7q8adxxi]
  • Feel superior to MrMacSydney's relentless trollisms. How easy is THAT?!! :alien: [/*:m:7q8adxxi]
  • And more . . . !!! :banghead: [/*:m:7q8adxxi]

But we'll be there ... though we may run off to Charm Esarn at the slightest indication that you want to get serious, or whatever.

I am not rich like my fellow Canadian Mr. Rain(gold-mine-owner-seller)Walker, so I will not be paying for EVERYONE-ALL-THE-TIME, but am quite willing to buy a few rounds for those who shamelessly pander to me . . . or my beloved. 'Extras' not included!!

Cheers ...